2023 |
White Bird : A Wonder Story | 120 | 15.5 | 8 |
2023 |
Élémentaire (Elemental)  | 101 | 15.39 | 963 |
2022 |
Empire of Light | 119 | 14.73 | 168 |
2022 |
Le Pire voisin au monde (A Man Called Otto) | 126 | 14.86 | 300 |
2022 |
Dog | 98 | 13.26 | 103 |
2022 |
La Ruse (Operation Mincemeat) | 128 | 13.72 | 124 |
2020 |
Une affaire de détails (The Little Things) | 127 | 13.02 | 236 |
2020 |
La Grande Traversée (Let Them All Talk) | 112 | 11.12 | 25 |
2019 |
1917  | 119 | 16.42 | 1117 |
2019 |
Tolkien | 112 | 15.08 | 444 |
2019 |
The Highwaymen  | 131 | 14.49 | 257 |
2018 |
Paranoïa (Unsane)  | 98 | 13.21 | 173 |
2017 |
Thank You For Your Service | 108 | 12.27 | 11 |
2017 |
Confident Royal (Victoria and Abdul)  | 106 | 14.84 | 171 |
2016 |
Passengers  | 116 | 14.4 | 1434 |
2016 |
Juste la fin du monde  | 95 | 14.48 | 542 |
2016 |
Le Monde de Dory (Finding Dory)  | 97 | 15.08 | 1496 |
2015 |
Le Pont des Espions (Bridge of Spies)  | 135 | 14.75 | 526 |
2015 |
Le voyage d'Arlo (The Good Dinosaur) | 84 | 14.25 | 890 |
2015 |
007 Spectre (Spectre)  | 148 | 13.65 | 1108 |
2015 |
Indian Palace : Suite royale (The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel) | 123 | 14.12 | 115 |
2014 |
Le Juge (The Judge) | 141 | 15.41 | 456 |
2014 |
Get On Up | 139 | 12.99 | 77 |
2013 |
Dans l'ombre de Mary : La promesse de Walt Disney (Saving Mr. Banks) | 125 | 15.99 | 725 |
2013 |
Effets secondaires (Side Effects) | 106 | 14.12 | 310 |
2012 |
Skyfall  | 143 | 15.26 | 1321 |
2011 |
Indian Palace (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel)  | 124 | 14.94 | 236 |
2011 |
La Dame de fer (The Iron Lady)  | 105 | 12.92 | 226 |
2011 |
La Couleur des sentiments (The Help)  | 146 | 16.78 | 1346 |
2011 |
L'agence (The Adjustment Bureau)  | 106 | 13.66 | 388 |
2010 |
L'affaire Rachel Singer (The Debt)  | 113 | 13.85 | 80 |
2009 |
Brothers  | 105 | 15.13 | 549 |
2008 |
Les noces rebelles (Revolutionary Road)  | 119 | 14.33 | 453 |
2008 |
Wall-E (WALL·E)  | 98 | 16.26 | 1844 |
2007 |
Tabou(s) (Nothing Is Private) | 124 | 13.63 | 8 |
2006 |
The Good German  | 105 | 11.56 | 27 |
2006 |
Little Children  | 136 | 14.23 | 73 |
2005 |
Jarhead : La fin de l'innocence (Jarhead)  | 125 | 14.06 | 270 |
2005 |
De l'ombre à la lumière (Cinderella Man)  | 144 | 14.35 | 63 |
2004 |
Les Désastreuses Aventures des Orphelins Baudelaire (Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events)  | 108 | 13.9 | 628 |
2003 |
Le Monde de Nemo (Finding Nemo)  | 100 | 15.58 | 1814 |
2002 |
Laurier blanc (White Oleander)  | 109 | 15.46 | 24 |
2002 |
Les Sentiers de la Perdition (Road to Perdition)  | 117 | 14.6 | 257 |
2002 |
Salton Sea (The Salton Sea)  | 103 | 11.42 | 12 |
2001 |
In the Bedroom  | 131 | 13.33 | 6 |
2000 |
Un monde meilleur (Pay It Forward)  | 123 | 15.25 | 220 |
2000 |
Erin Brockovich, seule contre tous (Erin Brockovich)  | 131 | 15.44 | 514 |
1999 |
La Ligne verte (The Green Mile)  | 189 | 17.5 | 2090 |
1999 |
American Beauty  | 122 | 15.64 | 826 |
1999 |
Josh and S.A.M. | 96 | | |
1998 |
Rencontre avec Joe Black (Meet Joe Black)  | 178 | 14.67 | 455 |
1998 |
L'homme qui murmurait à l'oreille des chevaux (The Horse Whisperer)  | 170 | 15.2 | 430 |
1997 |
Red Corner  | 122 | 12.74 | 23 |
1997 |
Mad City  | 115 | 13.42 | 33 |
1996 |
Larry Flynt (The People vs. Larry Flynt)  | 129 | 13.99 | 67 |
1996 |
American Buffalo | 88 | 11.14 | 7 |
1996 |
Phénomène (Phenomenon)  | 123 | 13.55 | 101 |
1996 |
Personnel et confidentiel (Up Close & Personal)  | 124 | 13.38 | 21 |
1995 |
Le patchwork de la vie (How to Make an American Quilt)  | 117 | 13.4 | 5 |
1995 |
Les liens du souvenir (Unstrung Heroes)  | 93 | 14.67 | 3 |
1994 |
À chacun sa guerre (The War)  | 126 | 15.79 | 14 |
1994 |
Les Quatre Filles du docteur March (Little Women)  | 114 | 14.9 | 221 |
1994 |
Les Évadés (The Shawshank Redemption)  | 142 | 17.17 | 1312 |
1994 |
The Favor  | 97 | 8.5 | 2 |
1994 |
2 garçons, 1 fille, 3 possibilités (Threesome)  | 93 | 12.53 | 49 |
1993 |
Flesh and Bone  | 126 | 13 | 9 |
1992 |
Le temps d'un week-end (Scent of a Woman)  | 156 | 15.09 | 90 |
1992 |
The Player  | 124 | 14.47 | 36 |
1991 |
Dernier sacrifice (The Rapture)  | 100 | | |
1991 |
Beignets de tomates vertes (Fried Green Tomatoes)  | 130 | 16.1 | 270 |
1991 |
Trahie (Deceived)  | 104 | 12.25 | 4 |
1990 |
Roxy (Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael) | 95 | 10 | 1 |
1990 |
Men Don't Leave | 115 | | |
1989 |
Cookie | 94 | | |
1988 |
Le Prince de Pennsylvanie (The Prince of Pennsylvania) | 87 | | |
1988 |
The Great Outdoors | 91 | 14 | 2 |
1987 |
Neige sur Beverly Hills (Less Than Zero)  | 98 | 13.55 | 11 |
1987 |
Génération perdue (The Lost Boys)  | 97 | 13.9 | 61 |
1987 |
Electric Blue (Light of Day)  | 107 | 15 | 2 |
1986 |
Jumpin' Jack Flash  | 105 | 12.92 | 51 |
1986 |
Gung Ho, du saké dans le moteur (Gung ho) | 112 | 11.5 | 4 |
1985 |
Profession génie (Real Genius) | 108 | 15.5 | 4 |
1985 |
School Girls (Girls Just Want to Have Fun) | 90 | 11.33 | 9 |
1985 |
L'homme à la chaussure rouge (The Man With One Red Shoe)  | 92 | 12.63 | 8 |
1985 |
Recherche Susan désespérement (Desperately Seeking Susan)  | 104 | 13.4 | 50 |
1984 |
Reckless | 90 | 12 | 2 |
1984 |
Les Tronches (Revenge of the Nerds) | 90 | 12.7 | 10 |
1984 |
Grandview, U.S.A. | 97 | 12.25 | 4 |