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The film is about a young quiet girl (Sofia), who experience a strong fascination with the female talent (Trine) in their fencing club, but when Trine gets selected to train in the big club Heidenhein in Germany, Sofia has only one evening to take action and find out what this fascination includes, but she is conflicted between her family and her own will. Sofia finally acknowledges that she must overcome her own limitations and make her own choices and engage in a last attempt to have this fascination clarified.

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Commentaires (1)

  • avatar humphrz
    Le 31 Janvier 2016 à 19:35humphrz

    Le ratio filles/garçons de ce club est quand même loin de la réalité... Qu'on me présente un club d'escrime qui contient plus de filles que de garçons, ça m'intéresse !!

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