Mardi 13 juillet 2021
Le Traqueur de la nuit : Chasse à l'homme en Californie (Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer)

1x01 Le diable s'invite dans la Cité des anges (Devil in the City of Angels) 13/07 18:08
1x02 Personne n'est à l'abri (Anyone Could Be Next) 13/07 18:08
1x03 Verrouillez. Vos. Portes. (Lock. Your. Doors.) 13/07 18:08
1x04 Chasse à l'homme (Manhunt) 13/07 18:08
Mardi 13 juillet 2021
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson

1x01 Has This Ever Happened to You? 13/07 18:07
1x02 Thanks for Thinking They Are Cool 13/07 18:07
1x03 It's the Cigars You Smoke That Are Gonna Give You Cancer 13/07 18:07
1x04 Oh Crap, A Bunch More Bad Stuff Just Happened 13/07 18:07
1x05 I'm Wearing One of Their Belts Right Now 13/07 18:07
1x06 We Used to Watch This at My Old Work 13/07 18:07
2x01 They said that to me at a dinner. 13/07 18:07
2x02 They have a cake shop there Susan where the cakes just look stunning. 13/07 18:07
2x03 You sure about that? You sure about that that's why? 13/07 18:07
2x04 Everyone just needs to be more in the moment. 13/07 18:07
2x05 Didn't you say there was gonna be five people at this table? 13/07 18:07
2x06 I need a wet paper towel. 13/07 18:07
Mardi 22 juin 2021
The Bad Kids (Yin Mi De Jiao Luo)

1x01 Episode 1 22/06 12:49
1x02 Episode 2 22/06 12:49
1x03 Episode 3 22/06 12:49
1x04 Episode 4 22/06 12:49
Lundi 14 décembre 2020
Rick et Morty (Rick and Morty)

4x01 Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat (Edge of Tomorty: Rick, Die, Rickpeat) 14/12 19:26
4x02 Le Vieil homme et la merde (The Old Man and the Seat) 14/12 19:26
4x03 Vol au-dessus d'un nid de Morty (One Crew Over the Crewcoo's Morty) 14/12 19:26
4x04 C'est mon dragon et bien plus encore (Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty) 14/12 19:26
4x05 Rattlestar Ricklactica 14/12 19:26
4x06 Rickstoires sans fin (Never Ricking Morty) 14/12 19:26
4x07 Promortheus (Promortyus) 14/12 19:26
4x08 L'épisode de la Cuve d'acide (The Vat of Acid Episode) 14/12 19:26
4x09 Les Rick de Morty (Childrick of Mort) 14/12 19:26
4x10 Star Mort : Le Ricktour du Jerry (Star Mort: Rickturn of the Jerri) 14/12 19:26
Remonter le temps