Du mardi 19 mars 2024 au vendredi 22 mars 2024
13 Reasons Why
2x01 Premier polaroid (The First Polaroid) 19/03 20:31
2x02 Deux filles qui s'embrassent (Two Girls Kissing) 20/03 15:07
2x03 Juste une salope ivre (The Drunk Slut) 20/03 15:07
2x04 Deuxième polaroid (The Second Polaroid) 20/03 15:35
2x05 La traceuse de terrain (The Chalk Machine) 22/03 00:57
2x06 Le sourire au bout du quai (The Smile at the End of the Dock) 22/03 00:57
2x07 Troisième polaroid (The Third Polaroid) 22/03 00:57
2x08 Notre petite fille (The Little Girl) 22/03 00:57
2x09 La page arrachée (The Missing Page) 22/03 00:57
2x10 Souriez, salopes ! (Smile, Bitches!) 22/03 00:57
2x11 Bryce et Chloe (Bryce and Chloe) 22/03 00:57
2x12 La boîte de polaroids (The Box of Polaroids) 22/03 00:57
2x13 Au revoir (Bye) 22/03 00:57
Du lundi 19 février 2024 au mardi 20 février 2024
13 Reasons Why
1x09 Cassette 5, face A (Tape 5, Side A) 19/02 18:35
1x10 Cassette 5, face B (Tape 5, Side B) 19/02 18:35
1x11 Cassette 6, face A (Tape 6, Side A) 20/02 17:41
1x12 Cassette 6, face B (Tape 6, Side B) 20/02 17:41
1x13 Cassette 7, face A (Tape 7, Side A) 20/02 17:42
Lundi 19 février 2024 à 17:42
Le Chant de la mer (Song of the Sea)
18 / 20 (Revisionnage)
Vu pour la 2e fois
« When the Big Bang happened, all the atoms in the universe were all smashed together into one little dot that exploded outward, so my atoms and your atoms were certainly together then and... who knows, probably smashed together several times in the last 13.7 billion years, so my atoms have known your atoms and they've always known your atoms. My atoms have always loved your atoms. »