45 h
68 h
102 h
Un an après la sortie de Zero no Kiseki, Ao no Kiseki débarque pour clôturer les aventures de Loyd Bannings dans la gigantesque cité de Crossbell.
Ao no Kiseki nous surprend très vite, en proposant une gravité des situations bien plus dense que dans le précédent épisode et Crossbell est rapidement la proie de conflits sans précédents.
Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 57, soit un pourcentage de 0 %
Afficher : Tout • Obtenu • Pas obtenu
Filtrer : Platine (0/1) Or (0/2) Argent (0/4) Bronze (0/50)
Mastered Trails to Azure and earned every trophy.
Learned how to use the Enigma II.
Collected all information in the Combat Notebook.
Completed all quests.
Collected all volumes of Sunshine Agnès.
Opened every treasure chest.
Collected all quartz.
Collected all decorations and Enigma covers.
Collected all orbal car customization options.
Caught all fish.
Obtained all recipes.
Created all supreme dishes.
Created all peculiar dishes.
Had one million mira or more.
Played for over 100 hours.
Scored at least 4,000 points on the Horror Coaster.
Defeated all opponents in Pom! Pom! Party!
Achieved 100 victories in battle.
Achieved 500 victories in battle.
Achieved 1,000 victories in battle.
Defeated over 2,000 enemies.
Achieved 100 pre-emptive attacks.
Used 100 S-Breaks.
Canceled 100 enemy arts or crafts.
Won a battle with a tactical bonus of ×4.00 or more.
Won a chain of three consecutive battles.
Defeated 8 enemies at once.
Defeated 16 enemies in a single battle.
Activated Burst 50 times.
Acquired the strongest weapon for any character.
Gain access to all seven master arts.
Became able to use each element's strongest art at the same time.
Raised Lloyd, Elie, Tio, and Randy to level 120.
Learned every combo craft.
Became a 1st Class Senior Detective.
Completed the game on hard or nightmare difficulty.
Completed the game on nightmare difficulty.
Analyzed every D∴G cult terminal.
Deduced Mr. Grimwood's role as the mastermind.
Defeated Vermillion.
Brought the Steel Maiden to her knees.
Completed the Prologue, 'Traces of D.'
Completed Chapter 1, 'Bright Skies, Gathering Storms.'
Completed Chapter 2, 'The West Zemuria Trade Conference.'
Completed the Intermission, 'A Brief Respite.'
Completed Chapter 3, 'Budding Turmoil.'
Completed Chapter 4, 'Crossbell's Fate.'
Completed the Fragments, 'Crossing False Paradise.'
Completed the Finale, 'The Path We Chose.'
Forged a strong bond with Elie.
Forged a strong bond with Tio.
Forged a strong bond with Randy.
Forged a strong bond with Noel.
Forged a strong bond with Wazy.
Forged a strong bond with Rixia.
Forged a strong bond with Dudley.
Forged a strong bond with KeA, Fran, Cecile, Ilya, and Sully.
Merci à Siltar qui a créé cette fiche