
Durée moyenne du jeu

28 h

Date de sortie EUR

16 novembre 2021

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Sherlock Holmes est un jeu d'action aventure. Le jeu se déroule au début de sa carrière de détective sur une île méditerranéenne ou sa mère est décédée. Utilisez la ruse ou la force au cours de vos enquêtes, et faites appel à votre pouvoir de déduction pour les mener à bien.



4 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

1 membre a mis en pause

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar AJA-22

3 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Thomas T.
  • avatar Jérôme & Elodie
  • avatar Racetrack

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 39, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/4) Argent Argent (0/10) Bronze Bronze (0/24)

  • PlatineBecoming Sherlock Holmes

    Get every trophy.

  • BronzePoor Sportsmanship

    Try to take the easy way out.

  • BronzeThe Walls Have Ears

    Eavesdrop on your first piece of gossip.

  • BronzeDiamond in the Rough

    Solve the first case on Cordona.

  • BronzeMamma Mia!

    Prank Mrs. Nini.

  • ArgentOnce Upon a Time

    Open Sherlock's room.

  • BronzeEveryone's a Critic

    Find all the books in the Bazookaeology trilogy.

  • OrAnimal Advocate

    Save Goliath's life.

  • ArgentA Mother's Arms

    Open Violet's room.

  • BronzePerfect Gentleman

    Spare the landlady's feelings.

  • OrVoice of the People

    Always advocate for the refugees.

  • BronzeShort Temper

    Punch first, ask questions later.

  • ArgentCuriouser and Curiouser

    Open the cabinet of curiosities.

  • BronzeRumour Has It...

    Lift the curtain on bohemian life.

  • BronzeVengeance of the Lamb

    Get justice for Fabio.

  • OrClosing a Chapter

    Remember everything.

  • BronzeLawful Neutral

    Interrogate every suspect in the safe murder as a police officer.

  • BronzeFriends in Low Places

    Talk to The Pipe in the correct disguise.

  • BronzeJoin The Club

    Follow the rules of the Blind Duelling Club.

  • BronzeOpen Eyes

    Take pity on a poor girl.

  • BronzeCurse Correction

    Investigate the third accident.

  • BronzeNot Now

    Refuse to help Mycroft.

  • BronzeNot His Toy

    Disappoint Mycroft.

  • BronzeRead It and Weep

    Find the book.

  • ArgentChild's Play

    Solve all the cases for the police.

  • ArgentWell-Earned Rest

    Let an old man have his retirement.

  • ArgentHis First Bow

    Acquire Sherlock's famous violin.

  • BronzeHocus-Pocus

    Talk to Dilwyn in his hat.

  • BronzeCatch of the Day

    Hold an eel by the tail.

  • BronzeGold Digger

    Uncover all of the treasures.

  • ArgentLore Almighty

    Complete all Cordona Stories.

  • ArgentGuilty!

    Present accurate evidence in all accusations.

  • ArgentDaredevil

    Fight in all of the bandit lairs.

  • BronzeNot Up To Snuff

    Disorient ten enemies with the snuffbox.

  • BronzeCitizen's Arrest

    Arrest ten enemies.

  • OrStreet Sweeper

    Arrest twenty-five enemies.

  • BronzeFinger Slipped

    Kill five enemies.

  • BronzeBlood On Your Hands

    Kill fifteen enemies.

  • ArgentThe Tale of the Empty House

    Refurbish the entire manor.

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Merci à Racetrack qui a créé cette fiche