
Durée moyenne du jeu

213 h

Date de sortie EUR USA

25 septembre 2018

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Le titre est une adaptation du célèbre jeu de rôle Pathfinder. Il propose une aventure solo dans laquelle le joueur évolue dans le monde de Golarion et accorde une part importante à l'exploration.



15 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox (9 aléatoires)

8 membres y ont joué

Communauté Seriebox

3 membres y jouent actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Ech0
  • avatar boanerges
  • avatar Animor

6 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Vicsene
  • avatar ploume31
  • avatar Siltar
  • avatar Mijak
  • avatar Tatinanette
  • avatar jogaaran

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 58, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeAssassinating the Assassins

    You survived the night attack on Jamandi Aldori’s mansion. What a nice way to start your adventure!

  • BronzeNo Country for Bandits

    Clear the Stolen lands from bandit gangs and defeat the self-proclaimed bandit king.

  • BronzeFoundation

    You founded a barony in a wild, dangerous land. Good luck with that!

  • BronzeFirst Results

    Increase the rank of at least one kingdom stat.

  • BronzeFire. Or Acid

    Stop the troll invasion.

  • BronzeZen Archer

    Inflict critical damage with a bow or crossbow while blinded.

  • BronzeTale Of Days Long Gone

    Collect all pieces of an ancient artifact and let the Storyteller reforge it for you.

  • BronzeRoyal Rescue Service

    Find and save Tig, poor lost child.

  • BronzeFollowers

    Recruit all available companions.

  • BronzeBird of Prey

    Win the main prize of the royal hunt fair and square, killing two magical beasts.

  • BronzeEnemy Within

    Solve the mystery and save your barony from an otherworldly threat.

  • BronzeIn The Name Of The Law

  • BronzeGod of Poetry

    Help the goblins compose their warsong!

  • BronzeOne Punch

    Deal more than 150 damage with a single unarmed attack.

  • BronzeThe Good Guy

  • BronzeKnow Their Weaknesses

  • BronzeNothing Left Behind

    Leave any map, carrying 5000 lbs. without being encumbered.

  • BronzeForged in Blood

    Win the game, playing on Iron man mode and Unfair difficulty.

  • BronzeNow You Fall!

    Knock down any creature that is 3 size categories larger than you.

  • BronzeMetamagister

    Use in battle any spell with 5 metamagic modifications applied.

  • BronzeSlayer of Bears

    In chapter 1, kill the bear in the Temple of the Elk with single level 2 character, playing on Advanced difficulty or above.

  • BronzeSinmarket's Best Customer

    Make the fey merchant adore you.

  • BronzeHail to the King!

    You are now the one and only ruler of your very own kingdom!

  • BronzeGoblin Tears

    Make the goblin merchant cry real tears.

  • BronzeMore Challenge, Please

    Win the game, playing on 'Core rules' difficulty or above.

  • BronzeSee You Yesterday!

    Meet the legendary Eldest of Time three times. Or, rather, in three different times.

  • BronzeSo Shall You Reap

  • BronzeTricks of Time

  • BronzeWorship Me!

  • BronzeFoes No More

  • BronzeEvil Is My Name

  • BronzeTaking No Sides

  • BronzeIron King

    Win the game, playing on Iron man mode.

  • BronzeYet Another Ancient Evil

    Find and defeat the secret threat, locked in a magical prison in The Stolen Lands.

  • BronzeThe Story's End

    Win the game!

  • BronzeProsperous Conqueror

    Claim all available regions and develop them to their maximum potential.

  • BronzeAgainst All Odds

    Travel to the mysterious realm of the fey and face your destiny.

  • BronzeFlaming Crown

    Face and defeat the one final enemy.

  • BronzeTwice-born, Twice-beaten

    Deal with the barbarian horde on your borders.

  • BronzeUseful Instruments

    Unlock all five additional kingdom stats and assign leaders to respective positions.

  • BronzeProsperous Kingdom

    Raise all kingdom stats to the 10th rank.

  • BronzeFirst in Collection

    Obtain an outstanding gift from one of your royal artisans.

  • BronzeAdmirer of Finer Things

    Gather masterpiece works from all ten royal artisans.

  • BronzeFriend of Many

    Succeed in three 'Kingdom as Companion' quests.

  • BronzeConqueror

    Claim all available regions.

  • BronzeIntensive Development

    Explore the Stolen Lands and find all resource locations.

  • BronzeSurvivor

    Live through 100 random attacks in the wild.

  • BronzeOpportunist

    Successfully solve 100 'opportunity' kingdom events.

  • BronzeTroubleshooter

    Successfully solve 100 'problem' kingdom events.

  • BronzeDeal with the Devil

    Win the favor of the Order of the Rack. Or of their enemy.

  • BronzeBloody Squirrels!

    Get the grimoire from one remarkable hermit mage.

  • BronzeThe Wise Way

    Win the favor of the most mysterious mentor from the most mysterious monk order.

  • BronzeComrades-in-Arms

    Succeed in all available companion quests and win the loyalty of your comrades.

  • BronzeV for...

    Silence the voice of the lost empire.

  • BronzeThose Precious Tales

    Gather all Storyteller's artifacts.

  • BronzeIn My Heart

    Find your love.

  • BronzeNeighborly Affairs

    Deal with your fellow neighbor king and his appetite for your land.

  • BronzeThey Call Me Unpredictable

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