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You unclocked the 16 colors display.
Now you know what we're talking about.
You unlocked a new way to progess in game.
You unlocked a whole dimension!
You have found 10 hidden stars.
You have won a game of Double Twin.
You have used a bomb to destroy a wall.
You have travelled through time 12 times.
You bought the DVD player in Aogai.
You have found the Hidden Cave.
You have destroyed 20 pots in one play.
You feel like a true explorer
You have cut 10 bushes!
Fina has joined your team!
You have defeated Zephyros.
You have killed 100 skeletons.
You have looted 20000 glis in one play.
That's 100 bushes. You can stop now.
You killed a bat with a bomb.
You escaped the guards thanks to the cardbox
You killed a skeleton with the bow.
Menos has joined your team!
You have found the Shrine of the Babamut.
You talked to 50 different NPC
You have found 20 hidden stars.
You have found the Hidden Lake.
You have defeated the strongest decks of Double Twin!
You have found 15 Double Twin cards.
You found and killed a Choboko.
No trails of fire this time
You have re-opened the Mayenne Bridge
You have solved all 8 puzzles in the library
You have defeated the Prophet
Velvet has joined your team!
You played your first game of cards
You have defeated Evil! Maybe.
I sense a troubling past... or is it a future?
You killed an Octorac with a flaming arrow
You have escaped the Pirate's Lair
You have found all the hidden stars.
You have travelled to the Ancient Times
You have discovered the Anomaly
You spoke to each old hero
You have defeated J.Snow
You have killed 10 A'tuins
What could possibly go wrong?
You found the lost Wiking
You have escaped the Sylphs' Forest
You have won the Campaign for Demonia
You have shown your full deck of cards to Garen!
You have recovered the Key
You have beaten the Noria Mines boss with full health.
You got more than 9000 Gold
You survived the Cluckety Isle
You have unlocked the true power of Velvet
You've killed 40 zombies in the Ghost Forest
You have unlocked the true power of Fina
You have found the hidden tomb
You have looted 50000 glis in one play.
You have unlocked the true power of Menos
You died to the Dreaded Creeper
You have found all the cards in Evoland 2!
You have found all 30 stars!
You have reached level 30
You have won 50 card games!
Merci à Shinmey qui a créé cette fiche
J'ai fait tout le jeu avec un Clink qui marche vite au lieu de courir (j'ai regardé une vidéo pour le constater), visiblement à cause de la fréquence de rafraichissement de mon écran. Pourtant il est sur 60Hz, comme visiblement ça devrait. Du coup j'ai galéré, et impossible de battre le dernier boss (peux pas éviter ses attaques).
Version PC 2 h de jeuSinon, belle parodie/hommage aux FF et à Zelda. J'adore pour le premier, mais j'aime pas les Zelda, du coup ça a été à moitié très chiant et à moitié super.