La niña de tacones amarillos

Un film de Luján Loioco
Ecrit par Luján Loioco
Avec Manuel Vignau


Date de sortie

15 avril 2015
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For an entire year, a small town assumes the construction of a big hotel. Isabel, a 15 year old local girl goes through a first-hand experience of this clash of cultures. She starts working at the premises along with her mother, as she slowly realizes she's become the men's object of attraction. She feels a sort of unspoken beauty power. Days go by and upon different incitement events- Isabel is drawn to use her seduction to obtain the things she wants. The situation gets complicated. Her new behavior causes some trouble around her and family quarrels emerge. That unspoken power will take her along unknown paths, where the value of her beauty is nothing but the flipside of her submission to a sexist eye.
(Source : IMDb)

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