Du samedi 3 décembre 2022 au lundi 5 décembre 2022
Nicky Larson (City Hunter (JP))
1x17 Le premier baiser (Summer's Lovely Designer: Ryo has a Thing for the Super-High-Leg Type) 03/12 20:53
1x18 Prémonition (A Divine Prophecy on a Summer's Evening: Shrine Maiden gets first lesson in love) 03/12 21:17
1x19 Un beau souvenir (A Beach to Remember: An Audition full of Danger) 05/12 06:15
Du mardi 22 novembre 2022 au mardi 29 novembre 2022
Nicky Larson (City Hunter (JP))
1x02 Tuez-moi, s'il vous plaît (Please Kill Me: Crosshairs Don't Become a Pretty Girl) 22/11 22:13
1x03 Le dernier combat (Love Don't Leave Me: A Ten Count to Tomorrow) 24/11 13:19
1x04 Bienvenue en enfer (Lady Vanish: Boutique of the Shadows) 24/11 15:51
1x05 Un triste anniversaire (Goodbye Makimura: A Tearful Birthday on a Rainy Night) 24/11 16:28
1x06 La délivrance (No Romance for this Actress: The Last Shot for Hope) 24/11 19:33
1x07 La petite fille sur la balançoire (A Gunshot to set the Heart Aflutter: Sad Lonely Girl) 24/11 19:38
1x08 Coup double (A One-Hole-Shot to a Lovely: Hands Off My Lady Detective) 24/11 20:04
1x09 Des jeux dangereux (The Gambling Queen: A Bet for Wonderful Love) 24/11 20:34
1x10 Un professeur spécial (One Dangerous Tutor: Home-Cooking from the Heart for a Sukeban) 24/11 21:00
1x11 La tulipe noire (That Pretty Girl in Tights Prefers the Tulips) 26/11 21:45
1x12 Encore un enfant (Kids Get Special Treatment: A Beautiful Lady from a Dangerous Land) 27/11 10:27
1x13 Le coup de foudre (She's Getting Married at Age Sixteen: A Hot Kiss with a Pop Idol) 27/11 21:14
1x14 Une mariée à 16 ans (My Foe is a Beautiful Lady?: The Biggest Woman Trap in History) 27/11 21:39
1x15 Le chevalier blanc (Ryo's an Instructor at a Women's School?: To Protect a Sweet Young Lady) 29/11 22:14
1x16 L'hôtesse de l'air (One Frisky Stewardess: Ryo - Self Defense Instructor) 29/11 22:36
Mardi 22 novembre 2022 à 21:43
Nicky Larson : Private Eyes (Gekijôban City Hunter: Shinjuku Private Eyes)
15 / 20
Mardi 22 novembre 2022
Nicky Larson (City Hunter (JP))
1x01 Un cocktail dangereux (Sui na SUIIPAA XYZ wa kiken na KAKUTERU) 22/11 21:42
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