Vendredi 9 octobre 2020
Hawaii Five-O (2010)
9x21 He Kama Na Ka Pueo (Offspring of an Owl) 09/10 16:55
9x22 O Ke Kumu, O Ka Mana, Ho'opuka 'ia (The Teacher, the Pupil – Let it Come Forth) 09/10 16:55
9x23 Ho‘okāhi no lā o ka malihini (A Stranger Only for a Day) 09/10 16:55
9x24 Hewa ka lima (The Hand Is at Fault) 09/10 16:55
9x25 Hana Mao 'ole ka ua o Waianae (Endlessly Pours the Rain of Waianae) 09/10 16:55
Dimanche 4 octobre 2020
1x01 Koji the Killer 04/10 18:13
1x02 The Astronaut & The Lion King 04/10 18:13
1x03 The Farmhand Who Bought the Farm 04/10 18:13
1x04 Harley's Got a Gun 04/10 18:13
1x05 Pig, Man, Lion 04/10 20:38
1x06 The Flood 04/10 20:38
Mercredi 30 septembre 2020
Hawaii Five-O (2010)
9x16 Hapai Ke Kuko, Hanau Ka Hewa (When Covetousness is Conceived, Sin is Born) 30/09 19:27
9x17 E'ao Lu'au A Kualima (Offer Young Taro Leaves To) 30/09 19:27
9x18 Ai no i ka 'ape he mane'o no ko ka nuku (He Who Eats ‘Ape is Bound to Have His Mouth Itch) 30/09 19:27
9x19 Pupuhi ka he'e o kai uli (The Octopus of the Deep Spews its Ink) 30/09 19:27
9x20 Ke Ala O Ka Pū (Way of the Gun) 30/09 19:27
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