2023 |
Weekend Rebels (Wochenendrebellen) | 110 | | |
2021 |
Matrix Resurrections (The Matrix Resurrections) | 148 | 12.72 | 577 |
2018 |
Breaking In  | 88 | 12.45 | 38 |
2017 |
Jungle | 115 | 14.48 | 177 |
2016 |
The Darkness | 92 | 11.03 | 58 |
2016 |
Un Hologramme pour le Roi (A Hologram for the King) | 98 | 12.15 | 52 |
2014 |
Wolf Creek 2 | 107 | 13.46 | 50 |
2014 |
Kill Me Three Times | 90 | 13.09 | 56 |
2014 |
I, Frankenstein | 92 | 11.01 | 265 |
2012 |
Cloud Atlas  | 172 | 15.45 | 994 |
2011 |
Killer Elite  | 116 | 12.47 | 174 |
2010 |
Demain, quand la guerre a commencé (Tomorrow, When the War Began)  | 103 | 14.16 | 105 |
2010 |
Happiness Runs  | 88 | | |
2010 |
3 (Drei) | 119 | 15.67 | 3 |
2010 |
Soccer Kids: Révolution (Teufelskicker) | 103 | 15.25 | 4 |
2010 |
Bis aufs Blut | 109 | | |
2009 |
L'enquête: The international (The International)  | 118 | 12.16 | 58 |
2008 |
One Missed Call  | 87 | 12 | 26 |
2008 |
Blackout  | 85 | 11.33 | 9 |
2007 |
Le goût du sang (Blood and Chocolate)  | 98 | 12.65 | 55 |
2006 |
Le Parfum : Histoire d'un meurtrier (Perfume: The Story of a Murderer)  | 147 | 14.43 | 523 |
2006 |
Paris, je t'aime  | 120 | 13.52 | 122 |
2005 |
Sophie Scholl : Les derniers jours (Sophie Scholl: Die letzten Tage)  | 120 | 14.56 | 34 |
2005 |
La Crypte (The Cave)  | 97 | 10.64 | 92 |
2005 |
Land of the Dead : Le territoire des morts (Land of the Dead)  | 93 | 12.08 | 142 |
2003 |
Swimming Upstream  | 114 | | |
2002 |
Bang bang t'es mort (Bang Bang You're Dead)  | 93 | 16.67 | 3 |
2002 |
Photo Obsession (One Hour Photo)  | 96 | 13.9 | 126 |
2001 |
Sex trouble (Tangled) | 86 | 10.56 | 9 |
2001 |
La Princesse et le guerrier (Der Krieger Und Die Kaiserin) | 129 | | |
2000 |
Ils ne pensent qu'à ça ! (Harte Jungs)  | 95 | 4 | 3 |
1999 |
Schlaraffenland | 114 | | |
1998 |
Cours, Lola, cours (Lola rennt)  | 81 | 14.21 | 106 |
1997 |
Les Rêveurs (Winterschläfer) | 125 | 11 | 1 |