2023 |
Fear | 100 | 9.15 | 13 |
2023 |
Freelance | 109 | 12.21 | 56 |
2023 |
Leo | 102 | 13.99 | 147 |
2020 |
Fatale | 102 | 11.8 | 61 |
2020 |
The House Next Door: Meet the Blacks 2 (The House Next Door) | 97 | 7 | 3 |
2020 |
You Should Have Left | 93 | 12.38 | 42 |
2019 |
The Intruder | 102 | 12.78 | 32 |
2019 |
Dirty Cops (Black and Blue) | 108 | 13.61 | 51 |
2019 |
Maléfique : Le pouvoir du mal (Maleficent: Mistress of Evil) | 119 | 14.65 | 721 |
2018 |
Traffik | 100 | 12.81 | 26 |
2017 |
Le Lieutenant Ottoman (The Ottoman Lieutenant) | 106 | 13.18 | 38 |
2017 |
Pirates des Caraïbes : La Vengeance de Salazar (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales)  | 128 | 13.62 | 1561 |
2016 |
No Stranger Than Love | 89 | 8 | 4 |
2016 |
Les Cerveaux (Masterminds) | 95 | 10.9 | 101 |
2015 |
Le Roi Scorpion 4 : La quête du pouvoir (The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power) | 105 | 11.32 | 19 |
2015 |
Charlie Mortdecai (Mortdecai)  | 107 | 11.27 | 278 |
2014 |
School Dance | 85 | | |
2013 |
Louder Than Words | 95 | | |
2012 |
La Drôle de vie de Timothy Green (The Odd Life of Timothy Green)  | 105 | 14.85 | 102 |
2012 |
Should've Been Romeo  | 86 | | |
2011 |
Nuits noires (Beneath the Darkness)  | 96 | 12.07 | 14 |
2011 |
Et maintenant... n'embrassez pas la mariée (You May Not Kiss The Bride) | 99 | 11.47 | 30 |
2009 |
Ultimate Game (Gamer)  | 95 | 12.37 | 238 |
2008 |
Delgo (Delgo: A Hero's Journey)  | 94 | 14.33 | 3 |
2008 |
Outlander, le dernier Viking (Outlander)  | 115 | 12.26 | 139 |
2008 |
La ville fantôme (Ghost Town)  | 102 | 13.26 | 19 |
2007 |
Hitman  | 94 | 11.72 | 372 |
2007 |
Paranoïak (Disturbia)  | 105 | 14.11 | 366 |
2004 |
Le prince de Greenwich Village (House of D)  | 97 | 12.5 | 2 |
2004 |
Fenêtre secrète (Secret Window)  | 96 | 14.11 | 401 |