Légende : Non vu Vu Wishé
Année | Film | Rôle | Moyenne / Nombre de votes | |
1990 | Daddy Nostalgie | Daddy Principal |
11 |
5 |
1978 | Despair | Herman Principal |
15 |
1 |
1977 | Un pont trop loin (A Bridge Too Far) | Lieutenant Général Browning Principal |
14.52 |
79 |
1977 | Providence | Claude Langham Principal |
12.66 |
3 |
1974 | Portier de nuit (Il portiere di notte) | Maximilian "Max" Theo Aldorfer Principal |
12.56 |
16 |
1973 | Le Serpent (1973) | Philip Boyle Principal |
13.36 |
11 |
1971 | Mort à Venise (Morte a Venezia) | Gustav von Aschenbach Principal |
12.88 |
34 |
1969 | Les damnés (La caduta degli dei) | Friedrich Bruckmann Principal |
14.36 |
14 |
1969 | Ah ! Dieu que la guerre est jolie (Oh! What a Lovely War) | Stephen Secondaire |
13 |
1 |
1969 | Justine | Pursewarden Principal |
1968 | L'homme de Kiev (The Fixer) | Bibikov Principal |
13.34 |
3 |
1968 | Les Filles du code secret (Sebastian) | Sebastian Principal |
14 |
1 |
1967 | Chaque soir a neuf heures (Out Mother's House) | Charlie Hook Principal |
13.76 |
4 |
1966 | Modesty Blaise | Gabriel Principal |
15 |
1 |
1965 | Darling chérie (Darling) | Robert Gold Principal |
12 |
1 |
1964 | Dernière Mission à Nicosie (The High Bright Sun) | Maj. McGuire Principal |
1964 | Pour l'exemple (King and Country) | Capitaine Hargreaves Principal |
13.8 |
5 |
1964 | X 13 agent secret (Hot Enough for June) | Nicholas Whistler Principal |
1963 | The Servant | Hugo Barrett Principal |
13.76 |
21 |
1963 | Au bord du gouffre (The Mind Benders) | Dr. Harry Longman Principal |
13 |
1 |
1963 | Docteur en détresse (Doctor in Distress) | Dr. Simon Sparrow Principal |
1962 | Les Mutinés du Téméraire (H.M.S. Defiant) | Lieutenant Scott-Padget Principal |
12.34 |
3 |
1962 | Mot de passe : Courage (The Password Is Courage) | Sgt. Maj. Charles Coward Principal |
1961 | La Victime (The Victim) | Melvill Farr Principal |
14 |
4 |
1960 | Le Bal des adieux (Song Without End) | Franz Liszt Principal |
1960 | L'Ange Pourpre (The Angel Wore Red) | Arturo Carrera Principal |
8 |
1 |
1959 | La nuit est mon ennemie (Libel) | Sir Mark Loddon / Frank Welney / Numéro Quinze Principal |
1958 | Le Vent ne sait pas lire (The Wind Cannot Read) | Michael Quinn Principal |
1958 | Le dilemme du docteur (The Doctor's Dilemma) | Louis Dubedat Principal |
1958 | Sous la terreur (A Tale of Two Cities) | Sydney Carton Principal |
1957 | Intelligence Service (Ill Met by Moonlight) | Major Patrick Leigh Fermor Principal |
1956 | Le jardinier espagnol (The Spanish Gardener) | Jose Principal |
1955 | Simba | Alan Howard Principal |
1955 | L'assassin s'était trompé (Cast a Dark Shadow) | Edward Bare Principal |
1954 | Commando sur Rhodes (They Who Dare) | Lieutenant Graham Principal |
12 |
1 |
1954 | La Bête s'éveille (The Sleeping tiger) | Frank Clemmons Principal |
14.8 |
5 |
1954 | The Sea Shall Not Have Them | Flight Sgt. Mackay Principal |
1954 | Toubib or not toubib (Doctor in the House) | Simon Sparrow Principal |
1953 | Sa Dernière Mission (Appointment in London) | Tim Mason Principal |
1952 | The Gentle Gunman | Matt Sullivan Principal |
13 |
2 |
1952 | Rapt (Hunted) | Chris Lloyd Principal |
13.6 |
5 |
1950 | Si Paris l'avait su (So Long at the Fair) | George Hathaway Principal |
1950 | La femme en question (The Woman in Question) | R.W. (Bob) Baker Principal |
Moyenne de tous ses films | 13.16 |
Année | Film | Rôle | Moyenne / Nombre de votes | |
1981 | The Patricia Neal Story | Roald Dahl Principal |