Vous et votre partenaire êtes pris au piège de Castle Rock. Avez-vous été victimes d'une trahison ? D'une erreur de jugement ? Découvrez-le dans la nouvelle aventure remplie d'énigmes de la série We Were Here ! Relèverez-vous le défi de ces forces ténébreuses ou resterez-vous ici... à jamais ? (Source : Steam)
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Escaped from the prisons
Escaped from the chasm
Escaped from the Jesters' Toybox
Invite a friend to play We Were Here Forever!
Escaped from the Jesters' realm
Escaped from the keep
Discovered the realms' defiance
Discovered the secrets of the Resistance
Escaped from the deep dungeons
Assisted in escaping from the deep dungeons
Survived the trials
Assisted in escaping from the trials
Entered the Sunken Mines
Assisted in solving the riddles
Solved the riddles
Realigned the light beam
Refueled the Nautilus
Entered the Royal Cemetery
Obtained the rete of the Astrolabe
Unlocked the catacombs
Entered the Ruins of Rockbury
Obtained the lens of the Astrolabe
Reforged the base of the Astrolabe
Obtained the base of the Astrolabe
Assisted in navigating the sunken mines
Navigated the sunken mines
Unlocked the Bell Tower
Discovered Rockbury's secret
Assisted in discovering Rockbury's secret
Restored the device
Escaped from Castle Rock
Negotiated with the guardian
Assisted in negotiations with the guardian
Assisted in unlocking the treasure vault
Unlocked the treasure vault
Assisted in discovering hidden treasures
Discovered hidden treasures
Paid the ultimate price
Escaped.. but at what cost?
Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre Réflexion ou Puzzle-Game sur Xbox Series X/S
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