Warriors Orochi 4

Musō Orochi 3

Un jeu vidéo édité par Japon Koei Tecmo,
développé par OMEGA Force


Date de sortie EUR

19 octobre 2018

Date de sortie JP

27 septembre 2018

Date de sortie USA

16 octobre 2018

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Ayant oublié les événements du volet précédent, les héros des Trois Royaumes et des Royaumes combattants sont soudainement ramenés dans le monde d'Orochi par Zeus, l'un des douze Olympiens. Pour revenir une fois de plus à leurs époques respectives, ils cherchent à trouver huit bracelets mystérieux avec l'aide des mystiques qui se sont souvenus du conflit passé.



Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 53, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/3) Argent Argent (0/16) Bronze Bronze (0/33)

  • PlatineTrue Warrior

    Obtained all of the "WARRIORS OROCHI 4" trophies.

  • BronzeThe Beginning

    Completed a battle.

  • BronzePrologue

    Finished Chapter 1.

  • BronzeThe Chaos Deepens

    Finished Chapter 2.

  • BronzeA New Foe

    Finished Chapter 3.

  • BronzeThree-way Struggle

    Finished Chapter 4.

  • ArgentOtherworldly Conqueror

    Finished Chapter 5.

  • BronzeStrange Tales

    Completed all of the "WARRIORS OROCHI 4" side stories.

  • BronzeMagical Rivalry

    Nullified an enemy's magic attack (excluding Mock Battles).

  • BronzeA Touch of Divinity

    Performed a Rage Attack (excluding Mock Battles).

  • BronzeDivine Intervention

    Performed 3 or more Rage Attacks in a single battle (excluding Mock Battles).

  • BronzeTripartite Forces

    Performed a Unity Magic attack (excluding Mock Battles).

  • BronzeMagic in Abundance

    Performed 2 or more Unity Magic attacks within 2 minutes (excluding Mock Battles).

  • BronzeUnrivaled Warrior

    Defeated 2,000 or more enemies in a single battle (excluding Mock Battles).

  • ArgentChaotic Good

    Completed all of the main and side story battles of WARRIORS OROCHI 4 on Chaotic difficulty.

  • BronzeCombo Master

    Defeated an officer after completing a 1,000 hit combo (excluding Mock Battles).

  • BronzeCombo Deity

    Defeated an officer after completing a 2,000 hit combo (excluding Mock Battles).

  • BronzeMagical Destruction

    Defeated 5 or more officers with a single Unique Magic attack.

  • BronzeResolute Destruction

    Defeated 5 or more officers with a single Musou Attack.

  • BronzeStrategic Destruction

    Defeated 5 or more officers with a single Rage Attack.

  • ArgentHit for the Cycle

    Defeated an officer after landing normal and charge regular and magic attacks (excl. Mock Battles).

  • BronzeTop Performer

    Obtained an S rating in a single battle.

  • ArgentConsistent Performer

    Obtained an S rating in 30 or more battles.

  • OrPerfectionist

    Obtained an S rating in all of the "WARRIORS OROCHI 4" main and side story battles.

  • BronzeVanguard

    Defeated 3 or more officers within 2 minutes of starting a battle (excluding Mock Battles).

  • BronzeSpeed Runner

    Completed a battle within 4 minutes of starting it.

  • BronzeUntouchable

    Completed a battle without taking any damage.

  • BronzeThe Challengers

    Completed 50 or more battle objectives.

  • ArgentVeteran Warrior

    Completed 100 or more battle objectives.

  • OrCompletionist

    Completed all battle objectives in all "WARRIORS OROCHI 4" main and side story battles.

  • ArgentThe Value of Experience

    Obtained 10,000 or more EXP in a single battle.

  • ArgentA Warrior's Best Friend

    Increased the Compatibility of a single weapon to its maximum value.

  • BronzeHard Work Pays Off

    Received a reward during Training.

  • BronzeSteel Fusion

    Fused a weapon.

  • BronzeSlayer of Chaos

    Completed a Pandemonium battle.

  • ArgentThick as Thieves

    Increased the Bond with a single character to its maximum value.

  • ArgentOn the Level

    Increased the Level of a single character to its maximum value.

  • BronzeLittle by Little

    Unlocked a Skill for a single character.

  • ArgentJack of All Skills

    Unlocked all of the Skills for a single character.

  • BronzeNew Beginnings

    Unlocked one of the Camp Rewards.

  • OrDevelopment Magnate

    Unlocked all of the Camp Rewards in WARRIORS OROCHI 4.

  • BronzeBonds between Heroes

    Viewed one of the special friendship conversations.

  • ArgentUntold Wealth

    Collected a total of 100,000 or more Gems.

  • ArgentSoldier of Fortune

    Collected a total of 10 or more Crystals.

  • ArgentMaster of Battle

    Completed all battle objectives in all "WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate" main and side story battles.

  • ArgentWeapon Master

    Acquired 100 different types of weapons using Craft command.

  • ArgentLegends United

    Unlocked all playable characters in Infinity Mode.

  • BronzePinnacle of Friendship

    Viewed the Bond Events for all characters newly added in "WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate."

  • ArgentAlternate Ending

    Finished the final chapter.

  • BronzeOne Man Destroyer

    Completed a "WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate" battle after defeating a total of 1 million enemies (mock battles not included).

  • BronzePath to the Finish

    Finished Chapter 7.

  • BronzeReliving Your Glories

    Promoted a single officer nine times.

  • BronzeConqueror of the Tale of Legends

    Completed all "WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate" main and side stories.

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Merci à Siltar qui a créé cette fiche