
Date de sortie EUR USA

13 décembre 2018

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Le joueur incarne Lucius qui revient dans sa ville natale de Winter Hill dans laquelle il a passé ses six premières années avant d'être interné dans un hôpital psychiatrique. Dans ce troisième volet de Lucius, le fils du Diable aux pouvoirs étranges, les choix du joueur sont remis en question.



1 membre a terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

1 membre y a joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Agoury

2 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar tallula03
  • avatar Vicsene

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 36, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeWhat! These things again?

    Find a Bobblehead.

  • BronzeStudent of the game

    Tutorial complete.

  • BronzeCliffhanger

    Hang from a ledge 5 times

  • BronzeMile long club

    Take a thousand steps.

  • BronzeMeet & Greet

    Introduction Complete.

  • BronzeMaster of disguises

    Wear 5 sets of clothes.

  • BronzeThere better be cake after these

    Find 12 Bobbleheads.

  • BronzeCrowned horseman

    Chapter 01 Complete.

  • BronzeI keep on fallin'

    Die by a fall 5 times.

  • BronzeYou're my heart, you're my soul

    Eat five hearts.

  • BronzeWhy can't they think of something new?

    Turn 5 crosses.

  • BronzeI wish I was big

    Get 1 tip from the Sultan.

  • BronzeThy sword, thy preach

    Chapter 02 Complete.

  • BronzeThe scale is even

    Chapter 03 Complete.

  • BronzeIs there any point to these?

    Find 30 Bobbleheads.

  • BronzeThe Machinist

    Help Ceefor to build his machine.

  • BronzePunished by the devil

    Chapter 05 Complete.

  • BronzeDeath is a game we all play

    Chapter 04 Complete.

  • BronzeBurn mother... Burn

    Incinerate 8 persons.

  • BronzeThe language shall remain dead

    Get 3 Latin hints.

  • BronzeFrom home to home

    Chapter 06 Complete.

  • BronzeNo sympathy for the devil

    Chapter 07 Complete.

  • BronzeThere can be only one

    Kill your father.

  • BronzeTake the throne

    Take the throne from your father.

  • Bronze...or the angel

    Kill an angel.

  • BronzeTrue Grit

    Create 2 deaths by hanging.

  • BronzeEnter the pearly gates

    Enter the pearly gates.

  • BronzeRun Lola, Run!

    Make Samantha Morgan run for 30 seconds.

  • BronzeNo child's play

    Kill 5 kids.

  • BronzeBirth of Samara

    Make a person fall in the well.

  • BronzeOkay. Enough with the monologues!

    Skip the long monologue of Gabriel.

  • BronzeLast one! Where's the cake?

    Find 66 Bobbleheads.

  • BronzeKilling the sailor man. Poop, poop

    Kill a person at the sea.

  • BronzeThe Doc could not make 88 mph

    Kill the doctor.

  • Bronze...and they say magicians don't tip!

    Get 4 tips from the Sultan.

  • BronzeI have it all

    Collect all main items.

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