Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists Of The Dusk Sky

Esuka ando Rojī no Atorie ~Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi~

Un jeu vidéo édité par Japon Tecmo,
développé par Gust Co. Ltd


Date de sortie EUR

7 mars 2014

Date de sortie JP

27 juin 2013

Date de sortie USA

11 mars 2014

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Vous pouvez choisir entre deux personnages pour officier en tant qu'alchimiste pour un organisme de défense et de soutien. Outre un système de synthèse qui permet de créer des objets avec différents effets, l'exploration de zone permet de combattre des monstres dans un système au tour par tour.



1 membre y joue actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Arkady

4 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar tallula03
  • avatar Erisa
  • avatar Gaïlin
  • avatar Jérôme & Elodie

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 53, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/2) Argent Argent (0/8) Bronze Bronze (0/42)

  • PlatineTrophy Completionist

    All trophies acquired.

  • BronzeEscha's Journey

    Started Escha's story.

  • BronzeLogy's Journey

    Started Logy's story.

  • ArgentEscha's Rest

    Completed Escha's story.

  • ArgentLogy's Rest

    Completed Logy's story.

  • BronzeJust Getting Started

    Cleared and reported 1st term assignment.

  • BronzeYou've Got the Hang of It

    Cleared and reported 2nd term assignment.

  • BronzeThe Charm

    Cleared and reported 3rd term assignment.

  • BronzeGoing Forth

    Cleared and reported 4th term assignment.

  • BronzeOh, You're Halfway There

    Cleared and reported 5th term assignment.

  • BronzeMoving Right Along

    Cleared and reported 6th term assignment.

  • BronzeMaking Progress

    Cleared and reported 7th term assignment.

  • BronzeSo Close

    Cleared and reported 8th term assignment.

  • BronzeTerminal Term

    Cleared and reported 9th term assignment.

  • BronzeBig Eater

    Witnessed the twilight survival instinct of Escha.

  • BronzeScars of the Past

    Learned Logy was greatly injured in a past accident.

  • BronzeTo the World's End

    Saw the

  • BronzeSad Girls' Association

    Saw an unexpected side of Threia and Marion.

  • BronzePromise at the Ruins

    Fell victim to a classic ruins trap with Reyfer.

  • BronzeA Dropout's Struggle

    Read a difficult reference book with Lucille.

  • BronzeLet's Get Along

    Watched Linca's reunion.

  • BronzeI'm a Magician

    Found out that Wilbell is a real magician.

  • BronzePlease Act like an Adult

    Witnessed Micie's elegant shopping.

  • BronzeExciting Treasure Alliance

    Encountered Katla and Harry's fateful meeting.

  • BronzeHarvest Festival

    Harvested apples with Nio and Clone.

  • BronzeLike Father, Like Son

    Encountered Solle and Colland's awkward meal.

  • BronzeGreat Monster War

    Watched Duke and Colland's manly struggle.

  • BronzeEating Contest

    Participated in Duke's eating contest.

  • BronzeAn Atelier for Two

    Escha and Logy's new life begins.

  • BronzePowerup Meeting

    Planned for the future with the development team.

  • BronzeFuture Dreams

    Logy retook his dreams with Escha's support.

  • ArgentStoryteller of Dusk

    Destroyed the giant device used by a girl.

  • BronzeA Smiling Departure

    Escha saw Logy off with a smile.

  • OrWelcome Home

    Fulfilled an important promise.

  • BronzeOver the Hill

    Journeyed to the Ends of the Earth with Awin.

  • BronzeDeadline Approaching!

    Helped Threia with her research.

  • BronzeThe Thrill of the Hunt

    Went on a search for treasure with Reyfer and Harry.

  • BronzeDr. Lucille, Medicine Woman

    Helped Lucille save people on the frontier.

  • BronzeEach with Their Own Strengths

    Decided to work with Linca and Marion in the development team.

  • ArgentGirls' Association

    Saw the complete girl's association.

  • ArgentMen's Association

    Saw the complete men's association.

  • BronzeJourney through the Sky

    Acquired a worn down air balloon. You became an alchemist of the sky…maybe.

  • BronzeFlying Further

    Built a basic airship.

  • BronzeInto the Dusk Sky

    Completed a true airship.

  • BronzeSet in Stone

    Gathered lithograph fragments, and discovered an ancient legend.

  • BronzeLeave the Battles to Me

    Reached combat level 99. Are there any worthy foes left?

  • BronzeI'm an Expert!

    Reached alchemy level 50. You're now an expert!

  • BronzeA Behemoth Falls

    Eliminated the behemoth living at the water spring.

  • BronzeFortress Destroyed

    Destroyed the Slag guarding the ruins interior.

  • ArgentSleep, Dragon King

    Challenged the king of dragons, and proved humanity's worth.

  • ArgentGuardian of Unexplored Ruins

    Defeated the giant alchemic creature in the Unexplored Ruins, and found the ruin's secret.

  • ArgentSalvation

    Saved the girl's soul bound to Geosis.

  • OrA Grand Triumph

    Stopped Flameu after she released her true power.

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