Samedi 21 septembre 2024
1x01 La fin (The End) 21/09 00:05
1x02 La cible (The Target) 21/09 00:05
1x03 La tête (The Head) 21/09 00:05
1x04 Les goules (The Ghouls) 21/09 00:05
1x05 Le passé (The Past) 21/09 00:05
1x06 Le piège (The Trap) 21/09 00:05
1x07 La radio (The Radio) 21/09 00:05
1x08 Le commencement (The Beginning) 21/09 00:05
Jeudi 11 juillet 2024
Larry et son nombril (Curb Your Enthusiasm)
12x01 Atlanta 11/07 22:07
12x02 Le jockey de jardin (The Lawn Jockey) 11/07 22:07
12x03 Chute verticale, tir horizontal (Vertical Drop, Horizontal Tug) 11/07 22:07
12x04 Mécontent (Disgruntled) 11/07 22:07
12x05 Poisson coincé (Fish Stuck) 11/07 22:07
12x06 Le discours de Gettysburg (The Gettysburg Address) 11/07 22:07
12x07 Le plan de rêve (The Dream Scheme) 11/07 22:07
12x08 La poche de colostomie (The Colostomy Bag) 11/07 22:07
12x09 Ken/Kendra 11/07 22:07
12x10 Pas de leçon apprise (No Lessons Learned) 11/07 22:07
Dimanche 30 juin 2024
Who Is America?
1x01 Episode 1 30/06 22:38
1x02 Episode 2 30/06 22:38
1x03 Episode 3 30/06 22:38
1x04 Episode 4 30/06 22:38
1x05 Episode 5 30/06 22:38
1x06 Episode 6 30/06 22:38
1x07 Episode 7 30/06 22:38
Remonter le temps
All Things Must Die
The One True Genius
The Other True Genius
Puddin/Pumpkin Pie
THE Squad
We Are The People
Kindred Spirit
The Best
The OC
The Leftovers
The Office
Stranger Things
Arrested Development