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Dimanche 3 décembre 2023

Joueur du Grenier

1x91 ROBOCOP 03/12 18:22

Dimanche 3 décembre 2023 à 14:31

How to Have Sex

Vu au cinéma en VO

Du lundi 27 novembre 2023 au samedi 2 décembre 2023

Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games

6x11 Odds and Ends of Supervising 29/11 13:01

7x12 Facial Animations 27/11 22:13

9x09 Strong Attack, Light Reverb 27/11 22:12

10x09 I Want to Choose Fast! 02/12 14:50

13x21 Game & Watch Designs 29/11 12:46

Lundi 27 novembre 2023

Bazar du Grenier

2023x48 Tout sur Tortue Ninja (1987) ! 27/11 21:14

Dimanche 19 novembre 2023 à 17:49

Le théorème de Marguerite

Vu au cinéma en VO

Mercredi 15 novembre 2023

Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games

3x19 Making Sequels 15/11 13:17

Vendredi 3 novembre 2023 à 22:40

Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Nintendo Switch)

Terminé (14 h de jeu)

Du lundi 30 octobre 2023 au vendredi 3 novembre 2023

Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games

0x01 About This Channel 30/10 19:48

0x02 Masahiro Sakurai's Creative Works 30/10 19:48

0x03 Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games Introduction Video 30/10 19:48

1x01 Game Development Isn't a Game 30/10 19:48

1x02 Presentations Are All About Speed! 30/10 19:48

1x03 Try Telling That to the Player 30/10 19:48

1x04 Spec Changes 30/10 19:48

1x05 Writing Game Proposals 30/10 19:48

1x06 Prep Your Proposals Hot and Fast 30/10 19:48

1x07 You'll Forget the Hardship, But the Game Will Endure! 30/10 19:48

1x08 Directors Need to Be Unique 30/10 19:48

1x09 Just Do It Already! 30/10 19:48

1x10 How I Stuck With My Column 30/10 19:48

1x11 Don't Rely on a "Plan B" 30/10 19:48

1x12 Branching Tastes 30/10 19:48

1x13 Broad Input, Broad Output 30/10 19:48

1x14 Keep Your Internal Pressure High 30/10 19:48

1x15 The Majority Shouldn't Always Rule 30/10 19:48

2x01 Risk and Reward 30/10 19:48

2x02 Squeeze and Release 30/10 19:48

2x03 Game Essence in Role-Playing Games 30/10 19:48

2x04 Fun Beyond Game Essence 30/10 19:48

2x05 The Fiend's Cauldron 30/10 19:48

2x06 Let Players Cheat the System 30/10 19:48

2x07 Falling Sells the Feeling of Flight 30/10 19:48

2x08 Do We Really Need Enemies? 30/10 19:48

2x09 Consider Rewards First 30/10 19:48

2x10 Do Competitive Games Have to Be Complex? 30/10 19:48

2x11 Game Essence in Falling-Block Puzzle Games 30/10 19:48

2x12 Dying Comes as a Relief? 30/10 19:48

2x13 Mountain Climbing Is More Than Just Climbing 30/10 19:48

2x14 Make Retries Quick 30/10 19:48

2x15 Is Your Game Appealing Enough to Start Over? 30/10 19:48

2x16 Game Essence in Shooting Games 30/10 19:48

2x17 More Game Essence Means Less Broad Appeal 30/10 19:48

2x18 The Shoryuken Command 30/10 19:48

3x01 Frame Rates 30/10 19:48

3x02 Just Let Them Play! 30/10 19:48

3x03 Keeping Rewards in Sight 30/10 19:48

3x04 Making a Living Making Games 30/10 19:48

3x05 A Small Window Into the World 30/10 19:48

3x06 The Potential of One Button 30/10 19:48

3x07 Deconstruct, Analyze, and Rebuild 30/10 19:48

3x08 Good Errands and Bad Errands 30/10 19:48

3x09 Learn to Count Frames! 30/10 19:48

3x10 Making Tutorials Feel Natural 30/10 19:48

3x11 Praise the Player! 30/10 19:48

3x12 Don't Be Unresponsive 30/10 19:48

3x13 Game Writing is Unique 30/10 19:48

3x14 The Fun in Picking Sides 30/10 19:48

3x15 Motion Sickness in 3D Games 30/10 19:48

3x16 Staying Organized with Hierarchical Outlines 30/10 19:48

3x17 Planning Your Game’s Rewards 30/10 19:48

4x01 Stop for Big Moments! 30/10 19:48

4x02 Giving "Weight" to Buttons 30/10 19:48

4x03 Jump Physics 30/10 19:48

4x04 Eight Hit Stop Techniques 30/10 19:48

4x05 Don't Anchor Your Center Point 30/10 19:48

4x06 Say No to Slow! 30/10 19:48

4x07 Units of Speed 30/10 19:48

4x08 Behavior at Ledges 30/10 19:48

4x09 Maps Are Game Screens, Too 30/10 19:48

4x10 Unexpected Results 30/10 19:48

4x11 Flick Input 30/10 19:48

5x01 Sharing Info Within a Team 30/10 19:48

5x02 Jobs in Game Development 30/10 19:48

5x03 Don't Wait to Speak Your Mind 30/10 19:48

5x04 Ten People Can Produce Seven People's Work 30/10 19:48

5x05 Explain Ideas to Everyone at Once 30/10 19:48

5x06 Daily Report Suggestions 30/10 19:48

5x07 Bug Testing Never Ends 30/10 19:48

6x01 Draw the Light, Not the Asset 30/10 19:48

6x02 Emphasize Objects with Collision 30/10 19:48

6x03 Distinguishing Between Major and Minor Elements 30/10 19:48

6x04 Get the Sense of Scale Right 30/10 19:48

6x05 Supervising Art Through Retouches 30/10 19:48

6x06 An Up-Close Look at Smash Bros. Stages 30/10 19:48

6x07 The Basics of Pixel Art 30/10 19:48

6x08 Unifying Visual Style 30/10 19:48

6x09 A Fight Between Live Action and Animation 30/10 19:48

6x10 Do Graphics Impact Fun? 30/10 19:48

7x01 Assigning Animations 30/10 19:48

7x02 Too Much is Just Right 30/10 19:48

7x03 Breaking Down Attack Animations 30/10 19:48

7x04 Making Lead-ins Instant and Impactful 30/10 19:48

7x05 Attack Poses 30/10 19:48

7x06 Follow-Throughs Make the Impact 30/10 19:48

7x07 Exaggerate to Make Up for Information Loss 30/10 19:48

7x08 Posing Suggestions 30/10 19:48

7x09 Squashing and Scaling 30/10 19:48

7x10 Damage Animations 30/10 19:48

7x11 The Perils of Interpolation 30/10 19:48

8x01 Make It "Pop" 30/10 19:48

8x02 Let Your Characters Shine 30/10 19:48

8x03 Flash, Blast, and Smoke 30/10 19:48

8x04 Visual Effects in Slow Motion 30/10 19:48

8x05 Screen Shake 30/10 19:48

8x06 Hit Marks 30/10 19:48

8x07 Billboards 30/10 19:48

9x01 Make the Tempo Match the Game 30/10 19:48

9x02 Strike a Balance with Sound Effects 30/10 19:48

9x03 Listen in Various Environments 30/10 19:48

9x04 Game Music and Ambient Sounds 30/10 19:48

9x05 Audio as Fiction and Non-Fiction 30/10 19:48

9x06 Voice Recording 30/10 19:48

9x07 Arranging Music 30/10 19:48

9x08 The Original Piece is Always Right 30/10 19:48

10x01 Clarity vs. Style 30/10 19:48

10x02 Text Size 30/10 19:48

10x03 Modern Quality of Life Features 30/10 19:48

10x04 Loading Screens 30/10 19:48

10x05 Emphasizing Text 30/10 19:48

10x06 Menus Define Your World 30/10 19:48

10x07 Color-Coding Your Game 30/10 19:48

10x08 Make Important Elements Bigger 30/10 19:48

11x01 Name Files Logically 30/10 19:48

11x02 Making Your Game Easy to Tune 30/10 19:48

11x03 Put Parameters in Brackets 30/10 19:48

11x04 Using Tickets to Manage Tasks 30/10 19:48

11x05 Family BASIC 30/10 19:48

11x06 Knockback in Super Smash Bros. 30/10 19:48

12x01 Marketing is Multiplicative 30/10 19:48

12x02 Paint an Accurate Picture of Your Game 30/10 19:48

12x03 Game Demos 30/10 19:48

12x04 Official Websites 30/10 19:48

13x01 Down with Lag! 30/10 19:48

13x02 Game Awards 30/10 19:48

13x03 Exercise While You Game! 30/10 19:48

13x04 The Price of Games 30/10 19:48

13x05 My Feline Friend, Fukurashi 30/10 19:48

13x06 That Was Then, This Is Now 30/10 19:48

13x07 Sora Ltd. 30/10 19:48

13x08 Team Digital or Team Physical? 30/10 19:48

13x09 Sora's Work-From-Home Strategies 30/10 19:48

13x10 Competing with the Past 30/10 19:48

13x11 Games and Eye Strain 30/10 19:48

13x12 Mastering Up 30/10 19:48

13x13 The Family Computer (and the NES) 30/10 19:48

13x14 Development Secrets of the Original Kirby 30/10 19:48

13x15 Canceled Games 30/10 19:48

13x16 ♪ PRESS START 30/10 19:48

13x17 Games During My Childhood 30/10 19:48

13x18 The Team Behind Super Smash Bros. Brawl 30/10 19:48

13x19 Guidelines 30/10 19:48

13x20 Show and Tell: Some Rare Belongings 30/10 19:48

14x01 Kirby's Dream Land 30/10 19:48

14x02 Kirby's Adventure 30/10 19:48

14x03 Kirby Super Star 30/10 19:48

14x04 Super Smash Bros. 30/10 19:48

14x05 Super Smash Bros. Melee 30/10 19:48

14x06 Kirby Air Ride 30/10 19:48

14x07 Meteos 30/10 19:48

14x08 Sodatete! Kouchuu Ouja Mushiking 30/10 19:48

14x09 Super Smash Bros. Brawl 30/10 19:48

14x10 Kid Icarus: Uprising 30/10 19:48

14x11 Super Smash Bros. for 3DS / Wii U 30/10 19:48

14x12 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 03/11 22:40

15x03 Special Crossover! #3 30/10 19:48

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