
Durée moyenne du jeu

18 h

Date de sortie EUR USA

20 mai 2021

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Dans le royaume caché et mystérieux de The Wild at Heart, retrouvez deux enfants fuyant leur quotidien difficile. Mais rien n'est simple dans les Boissombres, et il vous faudra développer votre horde de Farfelins afin de combattre les ennemis sur vos routes.


2 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

3 membres y ont joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Lin_maiden
  • avatar Luxara
  • avatar mogwai_papple

2 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar tallula03
  • avatar Lorena-Chan

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 30, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/4) Argent Argent (0/17) Bronze Bronze (0/8)

  • PlatineAll The Trophies, Probably

    Collect every trophy in The Wild at Heart.

  • BronzeThe Adventure Begins

    Successfully run away from home.

  • BronzeWelcome To The Deep Woods

    Reach The Grove, the home of the Greenshields.

  • BronzeA Fractured Order

    Recall all wayward Greenshields to The Grove, uncovering the details of their missions.

  • BronzeThe Final Passage

    Open the way to Umbral Lethea, using the power of the Greenshield Artifacts.

  • OrResealed And Restored

    Defeat The Never.

  • ArgentNutriment Whiz

    Craft every type of Meal.

  • ArgentMix Master

    Craft every type of Tonic.

  • ArgentThe Totally Full at Heart

    Purchase all health upgrades.

  • ArgentBack off man, I'm a scientist

    Purchase every Gustbuster upgrade.

  • ArgentHal Jordan Who?!

    Purchase every Warden's Way upgrade.

  • ArgentNow This Sparks Joy

    Purchase every Bag Slot upgrade.

  • ArgentHome is where the Hearth is

    Purchase every Spriteling Cap upgrade.

  • ArgentHerd is the Word

    Befriend the 5 main Spriteling types.

  • OrCat-astrophe Averted

    Safely return all of Litterbox's cats to the Grove.

  • OrThis is the Way

    Complete every beastie bounty from Toothpicks.

  • OrTrove Trustee

    Completely fill out the Grove Trove, finding every last missing treasure.

  • ArgentPagemaster

    Find all the Lost Journal Pages missing from

  • ArgentPathfinder

    Fully reveal the maps for every known area of the Deep Woods.

  • ArgentGeography Buff

    Learn about every area of the Deep Woods from Toothpicks.

  • ArgentHot Goss

    Listen to all the juicy gossip that the Twins have to dish.

  • ArgentFAQ Finder

    Hear all of Scrap Heap's tips and tricks.

  • ArgentLook Ma, No Hands!

    Break a crystal with Barblings without throwing them.

  • ArgentFreezy Pops

    Get 5 or more Spritelings frozen in ice simultaneously.


    Kick an item directly into the Stash Box.

  • ArgentAll-Nighter

    Stay up through the night until daybreak, outside of The Grove.

  • BronzeNature Bath

    Take a moment of thoughtful meditation by the waterfall in Heartlands.

  • BronzeS’more the Merrier

    Build your first camp.

  • BronzeTrainee Tinkerer

    Craft your first item.

  • BronzeBargain Bin

    Make a trade with Rubbish.

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Merci à Franz26 qui a créé cette fiche