11 h
12 h
12.5 h
The Rise of The Golden Idol est un nouveau type de jeu de détective dans lequel vous explorez chaque scène de crime à votre propre rythme et utilisez votre logique pour élaborer des théories.
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Solve the Constriction scenario
Solve the Academic Impact scenario
Solve the Under Construction scenario
Solve the News Flash scenario
Complete the Curse chapter
Solve the Garden Retreat scenario
Solve the Behind Bars scenario
Solve the Blockbuster Release scenario
Solve the Going Once scenario
Complete the Pursuit chapter
Solve the Ignition scenario
Solve the Protest Movement scenario
Solve the The Procedure scenario
Complete the Machine chapter
Solve the Feathered Frenzy scenario
Solve the Backstage Drama scenario
Solve the Speildance scenario
Solve the Complex scenario
Complete the Trials chapter
Solve the Beach Trip scenario
Solve the Boardroom Brawl scenario
Solve the Ancient Artifacts scenario
Solve the Steelside Warehouse scenario
Complete the Pinnacle chapter
Solve the Final Clash scenario
Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre Réflexion ou Aventure Narrative sur PC
Merci à Wrwemi qui a créé cette fiche