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Unlocked all trophies
Perform 10 pickpockets
Perform 15 dropkills
Perform 15 backstabs
Lure opponent into your trap
Unlock 10 doors or containers
Dismantle 20 items for basic components
Craft 5 items in crafting station
Craft 5 items in alchemical station
Use Flash skill
Use Blackhole skill
Use Chronosphere skill
Use Boomerang skill
Own 50 junk items
Use 10 syringes
Use smoke grenade
Dissolve 5 bodies
Change skill chip
Obtain 20 nectars
Own 1000 auryte
Complete 40 side quests
Perform 20 jumpthrows
Fast travel 10 times
Use zipline 10 times
Find 15 skill upgrades
Find 15 crafting schematics
Wear all pieces of elegant clothes
Read 10 books
Hack all Peh's overseers
Finish the game
Meet Calithea
Complete Drowned Past questline
Use Doppleganger skill
Craft a flamethrower
Wear all pieces of spa outfit
Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre Action-RPG ou Infiltration sur Playstation 4
Merci à Vicsene qui a créé cette fiche