
Durée moyenne du jeu

215 h

Date de sortie EUR USA

23 septembre 2021

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Diablo II : Resurrected est la remasterisation du hack'n'slash culte Diablo II et de son extension Lord of Destruction. Cette version remise aux goûts présente de nouveaux graphismes ultra détaillés, des cinématiques retravaillées et une bande son améliorée, tandis que le gameplay et les systèmes du jeu d’origine sont identiques à ceux de l’époque.


1 membre a terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 43, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeBaseline Brawler

    Defeat 500 Enemies

  • BronzeAdept Aggressor

    Defeat 5000 Enemies

  • BronzeMurder Machine

    Defeat 10,000 Enemies

  • BronzeDeep Pockets

    Pick up 500,000 Gold

  • BronzeMr. Money Bags

    Pick up 1,000,000 Gold

  • BronzeSocket to me

    Socket a gem into an item

  • BronzeHey there Delilah what's it like in Eastgate Monastery

    Complete Act 1

  • BronzeGreater hydralisk down

    Complete Act 2

  • BronzeYes, yes, let the hate flow through you

    Complete Act 3

  • BronzeCim Turry slayer

    Complete Act 4

  • BronzeThe destroyer becomes the destroyed

    Complete Act 5

  • ArgentIt's only 3,520,485,254 XP

    Reach Level 99

  • BronzePower level 9000!

    Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Sorceress

  • BronzeNever doubt my skills

    Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Necromancer

  • BronzeCleanser of the wilderness

    Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Paladin

  • BronzeBeware, foul demons and beasts

    Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Barbarian

  • BronzePurged the land of the shadow

    Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Amazon

  • Bronze99 problems but a wolf ain't one

    Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Druid

  • BronzeIt's all in the execution!

    Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Assassin

  • OrExplorer Reporting

    Acquire all Act waypoints with a character

  • OrI'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move

    Reach Level 99 with a Hardcore Character

  • ArgentShiny!

    Use the Horadric Cube to Create a Perfect Gem

  • ArgentAll the colors of the rainbow

    Use the Horadric Cube to Create a Prismatic Amulet

  • BronzeYour service is still required

    Repair and Recharge a Weapon with the Horadric Cube

  • BronzeDo over!

    Unsocket a Piece of Equipment using the Horadric Cube

  • ArgentIt has a purpose!

    Obtain the Standard of Heroes

  • ArgentI'll give you 8 SoJ for it

    Obtain the Stone of Jordan

  • BronzeYou have my bow

    Hire a Rogue Scout

  • BronzePoke Poke

    Hire a Desert Mercenary

  • BronzeThey call me... Tim

    Hire an Iron Wolf

  • BronzeCrush your enemies, see them driven before you.

    Hire a Barbarian

  • ArgentMacabre Mark

    Collect 20 player ears

  • BronzeMaybe I should set up my own shop?

    Vendor 1,000 items

  • BronzeThey see me rollin', they hatin'

    Equip all inventory slots with unique items

  • BronzeIt wasn't all a bad dream

    Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty

  • ArgentIs it warm in here or was that you?

    Complete the game on Hell difficulty

  • OrI like the heat.

    Complete the game with each class on Hell

  • ArgentYou ain't hardcore, unless you live hardcore.

    Complete the game with a Hardcore character

  • BronzeCompleted Grimoire

    Complete all Act Quests with a character

  • ArgentAccessorizing for fun and profit

    Equip a complete set

  • BronzeRus Do Fah!

    Successfully complete a rune word

  • BronzeRus Do Fah So La Te Do!

    Upgrade a Rune using the Horadric Cube

  • BronzeCard Counter

    Acquire a unique item from gambling

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