22 h
42.5 h
104 h
Diablo II : Resurrected est la remasterisation du hack'n'slash culte Diablo II et de son extension Lord of Destruction. Cette version remise aux goûts présente de nouveaux graphismes ultra détaillés, des cinématiques retravaillées et une bande son améliorée, tandis que le gameplay et les systèmes du jeu d’origine sont identiques à ceux de l’époque.
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Defeat 500 Enemies
Defeat 5000 Enemies
Defeat 10,000 Enemies
Pick up 500,000 Gold
Pick up 1,000,000 Gold
Socket a gem into an item
Complete Act 1
Complete Act 2
Complete Act 3
Complete Act 4
Complete Act 5
Reach Level 99
Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Sorceress
Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Necromancer
Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Paladin
Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Barbarian
Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Amazon
Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Druid
Complete the game on Hell difficulty with the Assassin
Acquire all Act waypoints with a character
Reach Level 99 with a Hardcore Character
Use the Horadric Cube to Create a Perfect Gem
Use the Horadric Cube to Create a Prismatic Amulet
Repair and Recharge a Weapon with the Horadric Cube
Unsocket a Piece of Equipment using the Horadric Cube
Obtain the Standard of Heroes
Obtain the Stone of Jordan
Hire a Rogue Scout
Hire a Desert Mercenary
Hire an Iron Wolf
Hire a Barbarian
Collect 20 player ears
Vendor 1,000 items
Equip all inventory slots with unique items
Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty
Complete the game on Hell difficulty
Complete the game with each class on Hell
Complete the game with a Hardcore character
Complete all Act Quests with a character
Equip a complete set
Successfully complete a rune word
Upgrade a Rune using the Horadric Cube
Acquire a unique item from gambling
Merci à Racetrack qui a créé cette fiche