A Question of Silence

De stilte rond Christine M.

Un film de Pays-Bas Marleen Gorris
Ecrit par Pays-Bas Marleen Gorris
Avec N-C


Date de sortie US

18 février 1982
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Three women, all strangers to each other, meet in a dress boutique. One of the three is approached by the male proprietor as she is shoplifting a garment. When he approaches her the other two join her in beating the man to death. Other female shoppers ignore the whole situation and leave when the crime is complete. The court appoints a female psychriatrist to examine the women; contrary to public opinion the psychiatrist finds they are not insane but implies the rage expressed by the crime is a result of the male dominated society. An interesting study of extreme behavior. The prisoner's cells were a revelation. (Source : IMDb)

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