Vendredi 21 février 2025
Hawaii Five-O (2010)

8x15 He Puko'a Kani 'aina (A Coral Reef Strengthens Out into Land) 21/02 18:19
8x16 O na hoku o ka lani ka i 'ike ia Pae' (Only the Stars of Heaven Know Where Pae Is) 21/02 18:19
8x17 Hōlapu ke ahi, koe iho ka lehu (The Fire Blazed Up, Then Only Ashes Were Left) 21/02 18:19
8x18 E ho'okō kuleana (To Do One's Duty) 21/02 18:19
8x20 He lokomaika'i ka manu o Kaiona (Kind is the Bird of Kaiona) 21/02 18:19
8x21 Ahuwale Ka Nane Huna (The Answer to the Riddle is Seen) 21/02 18:19
8x22 Kopi Wale No I Ka I'a A 'Eu No Ka Ilo (Though the Fish is Well Salted, the Maggots Crawl) 21/02 18:19
8x23 Ka Hana A Ka Makua, O Ka Hana No Ia A Keiki (What Parents Do, Children Will Do) 21/02 18:19
8x25 Waiho Wale Kahiko (Ancients Exposed) 21/02 18:19
Lundi 3 février 2025
Flynn Carson et les nouveaux aventuriers (The Librarians)

1x01 La couronne du Roi Arthur (And the Crown of King Arthur) 03/02 11:51
1x02 L’épée dans le rocher (And the Sword in the Stone) 03/02 11:51
1x03 L'antre du Minotaure (And the Horns of a Dilemma) 03/02 11:51
1x04 L'enlèvement du père Noël (And Santa's Midnight Run) 03/02 11:51
1x05 La pomme de la discorde (And the Apple of Discord) 03/02 20:08
1x06 Les contes maléfiques (And the Fables of Doom) 03/02 20:08
1x07 La règle de trois (And the Rule of Three) 03/02 20:08
1x08 La maison de l'horreur (And the Heart of Darkness) 03/02 20:08
1x09 Les lumières de la ville (And the City of Light) 03/02 20:08
1x10 La trame du destin (And the Loom of Fate) 03/02 20:08
Mercredi 8 janvier 2025
Link Click (Shi Guang Dai Li Ren (2021))

2x02 Attaque de nuit (Night Raid) 08/01 12:33
2x03 Doubles funérailles (Two Funerals) 08/01 12:33
2x04 Les inconnues de la photo (Them in the Photo) 08/01 12:33
2x05 Le dernier repas (Last Supper) 08/01 12:33
2x06 Li Tianxi (Li Tian Xi) 08/01 12:33
2x07 Combat urbain (Urban Warfare) 08/01 12:33
2x08 L’otage (Hostage) 08/01 12:33
2x09 Trois histoires (Three Stories) 08/01 14:52
2x10 Improvisation (Improvise) 08/01 14:52
2x11 Confrontation 08/01 14:52
2x12 J’ai besoin de mon gentil grand frère (Can't Live Without a Good Brother) 08/01 14:52
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