1968 |
Le rouble à deux faces (Rubio De Dos Caras) |
Anderson Principal |
1968 |
Le Téléphone rouge (Le rouble à deux faces) |
Information à venir Principal |
1967 |
Le justicier de l'Arizona (Return of the Gunfighter) |
Ben Wyatt Principal |
1967 |
La Sfinge d'Oro |
Prof. Karl Nichols Principal |
1966 |
Pampas sauvages (Savage Pampas) |
Capitaine Martín Principal |
1964 |
Celui qui n'existait pas (The Night Walker) |
Barry Morland Principal |
1964 |
La "Maison" de madame Adler (A House Is Not a Home) |
Frank Costigan Principal |
1963 |
Les Ranchers du Wyoming (Cattle King) |
Sam Brassfield Principal |
11.5 |
2 |
1963 |
Le Grand retour (Miracle of the White Stallions) |
Colonel Podhajsky Principal |
1959 |
La maison des sept faucons (The House of the Seven Hawks) |
John Nordley Principal |
1959 |
Les aventuriers du Kilimandjaro (Killers of Kilimanjaro) |
Robert Adamson Principal |
10 |
1 |
1959 |
Le Bourreau du Nevada (The Hangman) |
Mackenzie Bovard Principal |
14 |
2 |
1958 |
Le Trésor du pendu (The Law and Jake Wade) |
Jake Wade Principal |
14 |
6 |
1958 |
Traquenard (Party Girl) |
Tommy Farrell Principal |
14.86 |
7 |
1958 |
Libre comme le vent (Saddle the Wind) |
Steve Sinclair Principal |
12.38 |
8 |
1957 |
Contrebande au Caire (Tip on a Dead Jockey) |
Lloyd Tredman Principal |
1956 |
La dernière chasse (The Last Hunt) |
Charles Gilson Principal |
12.66 |
6 |
1956 |
Les grands de ce monde (The Power and the prize) |
Cliff Barton Principal |
1956 |
La Vallée des rois (Valley of the Kings) |
Mark Brandon Principal |
10.66 |
3 |
1955 |
L'aventure fantastique (Many Rivers to Cross) |
Bushrod Gentry Principal |
14 |
2 |
1955 |
Au sixième jour (D-Day The Sixth June) |
Capitaine Brad Parker Principal |
1955 |
Les aventures de Quentin Durward (Quentin Durward) |
Quentin Durward Principal |
8.5 |
2 |
1954 |
Sur la trace du crime (Rogue Cop) |
Det. Sgt. Christopher Kelvaney Principal |
1953 |
Les Chevaliers de la table ronde (Knights of the Round Table) |
Lancelot Principal |
11.46 |
26 |
1953 |
La perle noire (All the Brothers Were Valiant) |
Joel Shore Principal |
13.5 |
2 |
1953 |
Vaquero (Ride, Vaquero) |
Rio Principal |
13 |
2 |
1953 |
Convoi de femmes (Westward the Women) |
Buck Wyatt Principal |
15.6 |
10 |
1952 |
Le Grand secret (Above and Beyond) |
Lt. Col. Paul W. Tibbets Principal |
1952 |
Ivanhoé (Ivanhoe) |
Ivanhoé Principal |
12.94 |
34 |
1951 |
Quo Vadis |
Marcus Vinicius Principal |
12.74 |
27 |
1950 |
La Porte du diable (Devil's Doorway) |
Lance Poole Principal |
14.5 |
8 |
1949 |
Embuscade (Ambush) |
Ward Kinsman Principal |
11.5 |
2 |
1949 |
L'île au complot (The Bribe) |
Rigby Principal |
11 |
1 |
1949 |
Conspirator |
Major Michael Curragh Principal |
12 |
1 |
1948 |
Évasion (Escape) |
Mark Preysing Principal |
1947 |
Le Mur des ténèbres (High Wall) |
Steven Kenet Principal |
1946 |
Lame de fond (Undercurrent) |
Alan Garroway Principal |
13.34 |
3 |
1944 |
Song of Russia |
John Meredith Principal |
1943 |
Le cargo des innocents (Stand By For Action) |
Lt. Gregg Masterman Principal |
1943 |
Bataan |
Sergent Bill Dane Principal |
1942 |
Her Cardboard Lover |
Terry Trindale Principal |
1941 |
Billy the Kid le réfractaire (Billy the Kid) |
William "Billy" Bonney / Billy the Kid Principal |
12.76 |
4 |
1941 |
Johnny, roi des gangsters (Johnny Eager) |
Johnny Eager Principal |
13 |
7 |
1941 |
Duel de Femmes (When ladies meet) |
Jimmy Lee Principal |
1940 |
Valse dans l'ombre (Waterloo Bridge) |
Roy Cronin Principal |
16.38 |
8 |
1940 |
Flight Command |
Alan Drake Principal |
1939 |
La Dame des tropiques (Lady of the Tropics) |
William "Bill" Carey Principal |
1939 |
Lucky Night |
Bill Overton Principal |
1939 |
Remember? |
Jeff Holland Principal |
1938 |
Trois camarades (Three Comrades) |
Erich Lohkamp Principal |
16 |
1 |
1938 |
La Foule en délire (The Crowd Roars) |
Tommy McCoy Principal |
1938 |
Vivent les étudiants (Yank at Oxford) |
Lee Sheridan Principal |
1937 |
Valet de cœur (Personal Property) |
Raymond Dabney "Ferguson" Principal |
1937 |
La Mélodie de Broadway (Broadway Melody of 1938) |
Steve Raleigh Principal |
1937 |
Sa dernière chance (This is my Affair) |
Lieutenant Richard L. Perry Principal |
1936 |
Le roman de Marguerite Gautier (Camille (1936)) |
Armand Duval Principal |
15.26 |
8 |
1936 |
La petite provinciale (Small Town Girl) |
Dr. Robert "Bob" Dakin Principal |
1936 |
L'Enchanteresse (The Gorgeous Hussy) |
"Bow" Timberlake Principal |
1936 |
La Fièvre des tropiques (His Brother's Wife) |
Chris Claybourne Principal |
1936 |
Une Certaine jeune fille (Private Number) |
Richard Winfield Principal |
1935 |
Le Secret magnifique (Magnificient Obsession) |
Robert Merrick Principal |
1935 |
Broadway Melody 1936: Naissance d'une étoile (Broadway Melody of 1936) |
Bob Gordon Principal |
1935 |
Trafic d'hommes (Stand up and fight) |
Blake Cantrell Principal |
1935 |
Tel père tel fils (West Point of the Air) |
Jaskarelli Tertiaire |
1935 |
Meurtre dans la marine (Murder in the Fleet) |
Tom Randolph Principal |