1964 |
Celui qui n'existait pas (The Night Walker) |
Irene Trent Principal |
1964 |
L'homme à tout faire (Roustabout) |
Maggie Morgan Principal |
14.88 |
8 |
1962 |
La Rue chaude (Walk on the Wild Side) |
Jo Courtney Secondaire |
14.76 |
4 |
1957 |
Quarante tueurs (Forty Guns) |
Jessica Drummond Principal |
13 |
4 |
1957 |
Meurtrière ambition (Crime of Passion) |
Kathy Ferguson Doyle Principal |
1956 |
Passé perdu (These Wilder Years) |
Ann Dempster Principal |
12 |
1 |
1955 |
La Horde sauvage (The Maverick Queen) |
Kit Banion Principal |
1955 |
Demain est un autre jour (There's Always Tomorrow) |
Norma Miller Vale Principal |
11.5 |
2 |
1955 |
Les rubis du prince birman (Escape to Burma) |
Gwen Moore Principal |
1955 |
Le souffle de la violence (The Violent Men) |
Martha Wilkison Principal |
11.34 |
3 |
1954 |
La reine de la prairie (Cattle Queen of Montana) |
Sierra Nevada Jones Principal |
13 |
1 |
1954 |
Témoin de ce meurtre (Witness to Murder) |
Cheryl Draper Principal |
1954 |
La tour des ambitieux (Executive Suite) |
Julia O. Tredway Principal |
12.5 |
4 |
1953 |
Le Voleur de minuit (The Moonlighter) |
Rela Principal |
1953 |
Titanic (1953) |
Julia Sturges Principal |
14.16 |
6 |
1953 |
Le Souffle sauvage (Blowing Wild) |
Marina Conway Principal |
1953 |
La plage déserte (Jeopardy) |
Helen Stilwin Principal |
1953 |
All I Desire |
Naomi Murdoch Principal |
14 |
3 |
1952 |
Le démon s'éveille la nuit (Clash by Night) |
Mae Doyle D'Amato Principal |
15 |
2 |
1951 |
L'homme au manteau noir (The Man with a Cloak) |
Lorna Bounty Principal |
1950 |
Les Furies (The Furies) |
Vance Jeffords Principal |
13 |
1 |
1950 |
Chaînes du destin (No Man of Her Own) |
Helen Ferguson / Patrice Harkness Principal |
1950 |
La Femme à l'écharpe pailletée (The File on Thelma Jordan) |
Thelma Jordon Principal |
11 |
1 |
1949 |
Ville haute, ville basse (East Side, West Side) |
Jessie Bourne Principal |
14 |
1 |
1949 |
Une femme joue son bonheur (The Lady Gambles) |
Joan Boothe Principal |
1948 |
Raccrochez, c'est une erreur ! (Sorry, Wrong Number) |
Leona Stevenson Principal |
12.76 |
12 |
1948 |
L'indomptée (B.F.'s Daughter) |
'Polly' Fulton Principal |
1947 |
Californie terre promise (California) |
Lily Bishop Principal |
12.34 |
3 |
1947 |
L'Orchidée blanche (The Other Love) |
Karen Duncan Principal |
1947 |
La seconde Madame Carrolls (The Two Mrs. Carrolls) |
Sally Morton Carroll Principal |
1947 |
Le loup des sept collines (Cry Wolf) |
Sandra Marshall Principal |
1946 |
L'emprise du crime (The Strange Love of Martha Ivers) |
Martha Ivers Principal |
14.86 |
7 |
1946 |
Amazone moderne (The Bride Wore Boots) |
Sally Warren Principal |
1945 |
Joyeux Noël dans le Connecticut (Christmas in Connecticut) |
Elizabeth Lane Principal |
14 |
2 |
1944 |
Assurance sur la mort (Double Indemnity) |
Phyllis Dietrichson Principal |
15.74 |
51 |
1943 |
Obsessions (Flesh and Fantasy) |
Joan Stanley Principal |
1943 |
L'Étrangleur (1943) (Lady of Burlesque) |
Deborah Hoople / Dixie Daisy Principal |
13.66 |
3 |
1942 |
L'inspiratrice (The Great Man's Lady) |
Hannah Sempler Hoyt Principal |
1942 |
Les Folles héritières (The Gay Sisters) |
Fiona Gaylord Principal |
1941 |
L'homme de la rue (Meet John Doe) |
Ann Mitchell Principal |
14.84 |
12 |
1941 |
Un cœur pris au piège (The Lady Eve) |
Jean Harrington Principal |
14.66 |
9 |
1941 |
Boule de feu (Ball of Fire) |
Sugarpuss O'Shea Principal |
14.86 |
7 |
1940 |
L'aventure d'une nuit (Remember the Night) |
Lee Leander Principal |
14.26 |
4 |
1939 |
Pacific Express (Union Pacific) |
Mollie Monahan Principal |
11.26 |
4 |
1939 |
L'esclave aux mains d'or (Golden Boy) |
Lorna Moon Principal |
1938 |
Miss Manton est folle (Mad Miss Manton) |
Melsa Manton Principal |
1938 |
Adieu pour toujours (Always Goodbye) |
Margot Weston Principal |
1937 |
Stella Dallas |
Stella Dallas Principal |
1937 |
Sa dernière chance (This is my Affair) |
Lil Duryea Principal |
1936 |
La Fièvre des tropiques (His Brother's Wife) |
Rita Wilson Claybourne Principal |
1936 |
Carolyn veut divorcer (The Bride Walks Out) |
Carolyn Martin Principal |
1936 |
Saint-Louis Blues (Banjo on My Knee) |
Pearl Elliott Holley Principal |
1936 |
Un message à Garcia (A Message to Garcia) |
Senorita Raphaelita Maderos Principal |
1935 |
La Gloire du cirque (Annie Oakley) |
Annie Oakley Principal |
1934 |
Mariage secret (The Secret Bride) |
Ruth Vincent Principal |
1934 |
Franc Jeu (Gambling Lady) |
Lady Lee Principal |
13 |
2 |
1933 |
Toujours dans mon cœur (Ever in My Heart) |
Mary Archer Wilbrandt Principal |
1933 |
Liliane (Baby Face) |
Lily 'Baby Face' Powers Principal |
14.76 |
4 |
1933 |
La grande muraille (The Bitter Tea of General Yen) |
Megan Principal |
16 |
1 |
1933 |
Ladies They Talk About |
Nan Taylor Principal |
1932 |
Amour defendu (Forbidden) |
Lulu Principal |
1932 |
Mon grand (So Big!) |
Selina Peake De Jong Principal |
1931 |
Dix sous la danse (Ten Cents a Dance) |
Barbara O'Neill Principal |
1931 |
L'ange blanc (1931) (Night Nurse) |
Lora Hart Principal |
13 |
1 |
1931 |
La Femme aux miracles (The Miracle Woman) |
Florence 'Faith' Fallon Principal |
1930 |
Ladies of Leisure |
Kay Arnold Principal |
1929 |
The Locked Door |
Ann Carter Principal |