1988 |
L'Ange des ténèbres (1988) (The Unholy) | 102 | 14 | 1 |
1985 |
Train express pour l'enfer (Night Train to Terror) | 100 | 8.6 | 5 |
1980 |
Cataclysm | 94 | | |
1971 |
Les 4 Mercenaires d'El Paso (Bad Man's River) | 100 | 11 | 1 |
1971 |
Captain Apache | 89 | 13 | 1 |
1969 |
The Royal Hunt of the Sun | 121 | 13 | 1 |
1965 |
La bataille des Ardennes (Battle of the Bulge)  | 167 | 14.57 | 28 |
1964 |
La Chute de l'Empire romain (The Fall of the Roman Empire)  | 188 | 12.65 | 20 |
1963 |
Les 55 jours de Pékin (55 Days at Peking) | 154 | 12.86 | 22 |
1961 |
Le Cid (El Cid)  | 182 | 13.63 | 24 |
1961 |
Le roi des rois (King of Kings) | 168 | 14 | 3 |
1959 |
La chevauchée des bannis (Day of the Outlaw)  | 92 | 14.5 | 6 |
1958 |
Bravados (The Bravados) | 98 | 12 | 12 |
1958 |
Le Petit arpent du Bon Dieu (God's Little Acre) | 118 | | |
1958 |
Le tueur qui murmure (The Fiend Who Walked The West) | 101 | 11 | 1 |
1957 |
Les sensuels (No Down Payment) | 105 | | |
1957 |
Cote 465 (Men in War) | 102 | 14 | 1 |
1956 |
Plus dure sera la chute (The Harder They Fall) | 109 | 14.33 | 3 |
1955 |
Association criminelle (The Big Combo) | 89 | 15 | 2 |
1955 |
La Charge des tuniques bleues (The Last Frontier) | 98 | 13 | 7 |
1955 |
L'homme de la plaine (The Man from Laramie)  | 103 | 13.56 | 16 |
1954 |
Johnny Guitare (Johnny Guitar) | 110 | 13.55 | 33 |
1954 |
Quand la Marabunta gronde (The Naked Jungle) | 95 | 12.64 | 11 |
1953 |
Houdini le grand magicien (Houdini)  | 106 | 13.43 | 14 |
1953 |
Le Souffle sauvage (Blowing Wild) | 90 | | |
1952 |
Mutiny | 77 | | |
1951 |
Histoire de détective (Detective Story)  | 103 | 14.75 | 4 |
1949 |
Le Livre noir (Reign of Terror) | 89 | 12 | 2 |
1949 |
La Maison des étrangers (House of Strangers) | 101 | 14 | 3 |
1946 |
L'évadée (The Chase) | 86 | | |
1946 |
Tragique rendez-vous (Whistle Stop) | 85 | | |
1946 |
Fatalité (Suspense) | 101 | | |
1944 |
L'étrange Mariage (When Strangers marry) | 67 | | |