1964 |
Les Deux rivales (Gli Gli Indifferenti) |
Mariagrazia Tertiaire |
1954 |
Meurtres sans empreintes (The Stranger Came Home) |
Angie Principal |
1952 |
Les Mille et une filles de Bagdad (Babes in Bagdad) |
Kyra Principal |
1948 |
Le Journal d'une femme de chambre (The Diary of a Chambermaid) |
Célestine Principal |
14.66 |
3 |
1947 |
Les conquérants d'un nouveau monde (UnConquered) |
Abigail "Abby" Martha Hale Principal |
11.9 |
10 |
1947 |
Un mari ideal (An Ideal Husband) |
Laura Cheveley Principal |
11 |
1 |
1945 |
Kitty ou la duchesse des bas-fonds (Kitty) |
Kitty Principal |
1944 |
L'Amour cherche un toit (Standing Room Only) |
Jane Rogers Principal |
1943 |
La boule de cristal (The Crystal Ball) |
Toni Gerard Principal |
1943 |
Les Anges de miséricorde (So Proudly We Hail!) |
Lieutenant Joan O'Doul Principal |
1942 |
Les naufrageurs des mers du sud (Reap the Wild Wind) |
Loxi Claiborne Principal |
11.6 |
5 |
1942 |
Au Pays du rythme (Star Spangled Rhythm) |
Paulette Goddard Principal |
1941 |
Par la porte d'or (Hold Back the Dawn) |
Anita Dixon Principal |
1941 |
Nothing But the Truth |
Gwen Saunders Principal |
1941 |
L'or du ciel (Pot o' Gold) |
Molly McCorkle Principal |
15 |
2 |
1940 |
Les tuniques écarlates (North West Mounted Police) |
Louvette Corbeau Secondaire |
13.58 |
7 |
1940 |
Le Mystère du château maudit (The Ghost Breakers) |
Mary Carter Principal |
1940 |
Swing Romance (Second Chorus) |
Ellen Miller Principal |
12 |
3 |
1940 |
Le Dictateur (The Great Dictator) |
Hannah Principal |
16.16 |
422 |
1939 |
Femmes (The Women (1939)) |
Miriam Aarons Secondaire |
4 |
1 |
1939 |
Le Mystère de la maison Norman (The Cat and the canary) |
Joyce Norman Principal |
9 |
2 |
1938 |
The Young in Heart |
Leslie Saunders Secondaire |
1938 |
Coups de théâtre (Dramatic School) |
Nana Principal |
13 |
1 |
1936 |
Les Temps modernes (Modern Times) |
L'enfant Principal |
15.52 |
516 |
1932 |
Les sans-soucis (Pack Up Your Troubles) |
La demoiselle d'honneur Apparition |
13 |
5 |