1965 |
La Rolls-Royce jaune (The Yellow Rolls-Royce) | 120 | 12 | 1 |
1963 |
Hôtel international (The V.I.P.s)  | 119 | | |
1962 |
Sept heures avant la frontière (The Guns of darkness) | 85 | | |
1960 |
Les Dessous de la millionnaire (The Millionairess) | 90 | | |
1959 |
La nuit est mon ennemie (Libel) | 100 | | |
1958 |
Orders to Kill | 112 | | |
1958 |
Le dilemme du docteur (The Doctor's Dilemma) | 99 | | |
1954 |
Cour Martiale (Carrington V.C.) | 105 | 10 | 1 |
1952 |
Il importe d'être constant (The Importance of Being Earnest) | 91 | 14 | 1 |
1951 |
L'ombre d'un homme (The Browning Version) | 90 | 14 | 1 |
1950 |
La femme en question (The Woman in Question) | 88 | | |
1948 |
Winslow contre le roi (The Winslow Boy) | 112 | | |
1945 |
Le Chemin des étoiles (The Way to the Stars) | 109 | | |
1944 |
L'homme fatal (Fanny by Gaslight) | 107 | | |
1943 |
Plongée à l'aube (We Dive at Dawn) | 98 | 14.5 | 2 |
1941 |
Cottage to Let | 90 | | |
1938 |
Pygmalion  | 96 | 14.5 | 4 |
1929 |
Un cottage dans le Dartmoor (A Cottage on Dartmoor) | 115 | | |