
Durée moyenne du jeu

8 h

Date de sortie EUR USA

6 mars 2020

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Votre Grâce, en ces temps troublés, les insignifiantes requêtes des pétitionnaires exigent plus que ce que nos ressources limitées permettent de leur allouer... sans oublier la guerre ! Un délicat équilibre se doit d'être établi. Votre trône vous attend.
(Source : Steam)


11 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox (9 aléatoires)

2 membres y ont joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Weedooh
  • avatar X-ion-

1 membre y joue actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar SaddOff

3 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Tontine
  • avatar splash18
  • avatar ploume31

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 35, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeHey there, little one.

    Pick a nickname for Cedani.

  • BronzeJust don't hurt yourself!

    Practice sword fighting with Asalia for the first time.

  • BronzeI have a business.

    Invest in Tavern business.

  • BronzeThis couldn't end well.

    Get through the wedding night.

  • BronzeLet's throw a party!

    Buy all upgrades for wedding.

  • BronzeIt's time for Magic!

    Unlock Witch.

  • BronzeKeep the monsters at bay.

    Unlock Hunter.

  • BronzeThis was... tough.

    Win battle against Radovia.

  • BronzeI will show him!

  • BronzeFarewell, my daughter.

  • BronzeA fine saddle for a hedgehog.

    Buy a rooster for Cedani.

  • BronzeOoof, what's that smell?

    Pet Dusty three times.

  • BronzeYes, Your Grace.

    Complete the game.

  • BronzeArrrgghh!

  • BronzeI've got this.

    Buy all upgrades for Radovian Battle.

  • BronzeGot to help where we can.

    Help all Radovians.

  • BronzePrepared for the worst.

  • BronzeNothing can stop love.

  • BronzeFamily matters.

  • BronzeThe pay's too short.

    Run out of gold.

  • BronzeLittle help goes a long way.

    Help Stefan.

  • BronzeI'm an... entrepreneur!

  • BronzeI'm a King and a detective!

    Find all evidence and clues for Royal Trial.

  • BronzeMaster of Dark Magic.

  • BronzeThe one I love.

    Give Aurelea a gift.

  • BronzeFandustic!

  • BronzeWe won't eat tonight.

    Run out of supplies.

  • BronzeWhatever it takes.

  • BronzeThank you, old friend.

  • BronzeThey're nothing but barbarians.

    Refuse all Radovians.

  • BronzeEmpty walls.

    Sell all paintings from the castle.

  • BronzeI believe in magic.

    Buy all gemstones from fortune teller.

  • BronzeCold heart.

    Tell Lorsulia she will be fine, instead of "I Love You".

  • BronzeI don't need people... oh wait.

    Hit zero villager contentment.

  • BronzeMad King.

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