Yakuza Kiwami 2 est une version remastérisée de Yakuza 2, un jeu d'action et d'aventure à la troisième personne et en monde ouvert. L'histoire commence alors que Yukio Terada, le cinquième président du Clan Tojo, vient d'être assassiné. Alors que la guerre se dessine à l'horizon, le Dragon de Dojima, Kazuma Kiryu n'a d'autre choix que de replonger dans un monde auquel il a tourné le dos.
Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 59, soit un pourcentage de 0 %
Afficher : Tout • Obtenu • Pas obtenu
Filtrer : Platine (0/1)
Or (0/1)
Argent (0/7)
Bronze (0/50)
Completed Chapter 1
Completed Chapter 2
Completed Chapter 3
Completed Chapter 4
Completed Chapter 5
Completed Chapter 6
Completed Chapter 7
Completed Chapter 8
Completed Chapter 9
Completed Chapter 10
Completed Chapter 11
Completed Chapter 12
Completed Chapter 13
Completed Chapter 14
Completed Chapter 15
Completed Chapter 16
Completed 10 substories.
Completed 30 substories.
Completed 10 items on the Completion List.
Completed 30 items on the Completion List.
Completed 50 items on the Completion List.
Learned all Battle Skills.
Learned all Heat Actions.
Learned all Life Skills.
Donated 1,000,000 yen to Sunflower Orphanage.
Raised Health to a natural 180.
Raised Attack to a natural 180.
Raised Defense to a natural 180.
Raised the Heat Gauge to a natural 180.
Broke the limit on a base stat.
Played all minigames.
Win all the Coliseum's tournaments.
Completed all bouncer missions.
Joined Club Four Shine.
Registered 30 hostesses.
Won first league championship in the Cabaret Club Grand Prix.
Completed the Four Shine storyline.
Lent an ear to all the platinum hostesses.
Watched all the videos.
Became a Majima Construction employee.
Recruited over 50 workers into Majima Construction.
Completed the Clan Creator storyline.
Possessed over 200,000 points in Clan Creator.
Opened all coin lockers.
Ate at all restaurants.
Took 10 photographs.
Drank all drink types from vending machines.
Destroyed an establishment three times.
Possessed over 10,000,000 yen.
Defeated all street bosses.
Completed the final chapter.
Complete all substories.
Completed 100% of the Completion List.
Learned all skills.
Raised all base stats to maximum.
Completed the "Ultimate Assassin" substory.
Defeated 100 enemies using weapons.
Completed the game in Legend mode.
Obtained all trophies.
Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre Action/Aventure ou Beat'em All sur Playstation 4
Merci à Recktosaurus qui a créé cette fiche