
Date de sortie EUR JP

30 novembre 2022

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Warhammer 40,000 : Darktide est un jeu pensé pour la coopération qui mélange FPS et hack'n'slash. Vous incarnez une escouade d'Inquisiteurs qui lutte dans la ville-ruche de Tertium contre les hérétiques du culte de l'Admonition pour les empêcher de prendre le contrôle de votre planète, Atoma Prime. À vous donc d'affronter des hordes d'ennemis avec vos amis en multijoueur.


1 membre a terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar kelu

2 membres y ont joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Khelthyr
  • avatar Punisherforce

2 membres y jouent actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Dolgarin
  • avatar Elensar

2 membres ont mis en pause

Communauté Seriebox

1 membre veut y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Kevlar830

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 36, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeOn Parole

    Complete the prologue.

  • BronzeCircle of Trust I

    Complete Path of Trust chapter 1.

  • BronzeFlawless Interrogator

    Complete a Data Interrogation without an incorrect Auspex entry.

  • BronzeUnconsidered Trifles

    Unlock your first Curio slot.

  • BronzeWell met, Whippersnapper

    Unlock access to Sire Melk's Requisitiorium.

  • BronzeBanisher

  • BronzeCircle of Trust II

    Complete Path of Trust chapter 2.

  • BronzeTime to Die

    Kill a Monstrosity in 20 seconds or less.

  • BronzeCircle of Trust III

    Complete Path of Trust chapter 3.

  • BronzeCircle of Trust IV

    Complete Path of Trust chapter 4.

  • BronzeInquisitorial Veteran

    Complete at least one of each Mission type on Uprising difficulty or higher.

  • BronzeMarked For Death

    As the Sharpshooter hit 4 weakspots without missing a shot during one use of Volley Fire.

  • BronzeCircle of Trust V

    Complete Path of Trust chapter 5.

  • BronzeCircle of Trust VI

    Complete Path of Trust chapter 6.

  • BronzePreternatural Dodge

    Dodge 12 attacks in a row.

  • BronzeNot Even Close

    As the Psykinetic, kill a pouncing Pox Hound with Brain Burst.

  • BronzeFrenzied Killer

    Kill 90 enemies in less than 30 seconds.

  • BronzeI'm in Charge!

    As the Skullbreaker, use Bull Rush to interrupt a Plague Ogryn's charge.

  • BronzeThe Emperor Protects

    Block 600 damage in 10 seconds.

  • BronzeLong Bomb

    As the Sharpshooter, kill 5 enemies with a Frag Grenade without it bouncing.

  • BronzeBuying Time

    As the Preacher, hit an enemy sniper more than 40 metres away using a Stumm Grenade.

  • BronzeSomething In Your Eye

    As the Skullbreaker, kill a Corruptor by hitting it in the eye with your grenade.

  • BronzeAbhor the Mutant

    As the Preacher, kill a charging Mutant with a melee attack while Dashing.

  • BronzeUp and at 'Em!

    Help 100 downed Operatives back up.

  • BronzeShocking Stuff

    As the Preacher, kill 50 shocked enemies within 10 seconds on Malice difficulty or higher.

  • BronzePurge the Heretic

    Kill a total of 40.000 enemies.

  • BronzeTwo’s Company

    Have 2 different Classes at rank 30.

  • BronzeSerial Killer

    Kill 20 consecutive enemies with headshots.

  • BronzeCliffhanger

    As the Psykinetic, kill 20 enemies within 2 seconds by knocking them off a ledge using your Ability.

  • BronzeDream Team

    Complete 100 missions without anyone being downed.

  • BronzeOn Overwatch

    As the Sharpshooter, complete a Mission on Malice Threat or higher without taking any melee damage.

  • BronzeInquisitorial Legend

    Complete at least one of each Mission type on Heresy difficulty or higher.

  • BronzeGone Bowling

    As the Skullbreaker, knock down 100 enemies with a single Bull Rush on Malice difficulty or higher.

  • BronzeLike a four-leaf Clover

    Have 4 different Classes at rank 30.

  • BronzeFlawless Execution

    Complete 10 missions in a row without going down on Malice difficulty or higher.

  • BronzeGoing Out With a Bang

    As the Psykinetic, kill 3 elites with a single Perils of the Warp on Malice difficulty or higher.

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Merci à GaelS qui a créé cette fiche