
Durée moyenne du jeu

75 h

Date de sortie EUR JP USA

27 juillet 2021

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles est une collection des visual novels The Great Ace Attorney : Adventures et The Great Ace Attorney 2 : Resolve, tous deux disponibles uniquement au Japon jusqu’à maintenant. Un doublage anglais est également disponible pour la première fois. Se déroulant à la fin du 19e siècle, pendant la période Meiji au Japon et l'ère victorienne en Angleterre, les deux softs demanderont aux joueurs d'endosser le rôle d'un avocat de la défense. Celui-ci devra rechercher des preuves, plaider au tribunal et s'assurer d'un jugement impartial.


5 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

3 membres y ont joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Agoury
  • avatar Dalvengyr
  • avatar Callice

3 membres y jouent actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Diocalypse
  • avatar Azerle
  • avatar Esperluette

7 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar moustachebiscuit
  • avatar tallula03
  • avatar Ewylyn
  • avatar Merwin
  • avatar SakuraSIrius
  • avatar Cliffhunter
  • avatar Reinerge

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 30, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • PlatineThe Great Ace Attorney

    For being awarded all other accolades

  • BronzeDefence Debut

    For completion of Episode 1 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures from its opening chapter

  • BronzeCrash Course Candidate

    For completion of Episode 2 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures from its opening chapter

  • BronzeThe Realm of the Reaper

    For completion of Episode 3 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures from its opening chapter

  • BronzeLanded in London

    For completion of Episode 4 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures from its opening chapter

  • ArgentFleeting Farewell

    For completion of Episode 5 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures from its opening chapter

  • BronzeSusato's Success

    For completion of Episode 1 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve from its opening chapter

  • BronzeThe Key of Knowledge

    For completion of Episode 2 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve from its opening chapter

  • BronzeThe Demasking

    For completion of Episode 3 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve from its opening chapter

  • BronzeThe Legendary Pair

    For completion of Episode 4 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve from its opening chapter

  • ArgentThe Risen Resolve

    For completion of the Final Chapter of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve from its opening chapter

  • ArgentAce Aficionado

    For completion of all the extra Escapade adventures

  • BronzeBespoke Tailor

    For playing the game in all available outfits

  • OrAce of Spades

    For having dug around to find every argument about shovels and spades

  • ArgentThe Top Rung

    For having wrung your hands through every debate about ladders and stepladders

  • BronzeInconsistency Seer

    For having successfully presented evidence during the first cross-examination that occurs in both The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures and The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve

  • BronzePrime Presser

    For having successfully pressed a witness during the first cross-examination in both The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures and The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve

  • OrThe Herlockian

    For having read every new idea on Iris's blackboard

  • BronzeHealthy Curiosity

    For having thoroughly examined the medical report card, inside and out, in Episode 1 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures

  • ArgentPillow Perfectionist

    For having examined the bed in Episode 2 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures

  • OrHat Hunter

    For having identified the milliner responsible for the victim's hat in Episode 3 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures

  • ArgentSecond-Rate Strings

    For having examined the violin before talking with Iris about the ‘Wilson’ topic in Episode 4 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures

  • ArgentThe Woman...?

    For having examined the fireplace in Mr Sholmes's suite whilst with Susato in Episode 5 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures

  • OrSulky's Story

    For having pursued Nash and Ringo when no thought bubble was shown to hear their memories of Big Bruv Sulky in Episode 5 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures

  • ArgentFather Frustrator

    For having named Taketsuchi Auchi and Yujin Mikotoba as the victim in Episode 1 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve

  • ArgentDown In One

    For having examined Miss Green's bottle before it falls from the table in Episode 2 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve

  • OrThe Noodler

    For erroneously answering Mr Sholmes's question about who might have something that belonged to the convict in Episode 2 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve

  • ArgentInspirational Roots

    For presenting the armband to Lord van Zieks in Episode 3 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve

  • OrBest Chips in Town

    For talking with Gina after Ryunosuke regains consciousness following the incident with Toby in Episode 4 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve

  • ArgentAsogi Clan Appreciator

    For having examined the ‘head’ of Karuma again after finding the crucial evidence inside in the Final Chapter of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve

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Merci à Thomas T. qui a créé cette fiche