
Date de sortie EUR USA

9 août 2024

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Le supermarché multijoueur est arrivé gratuitement dans votre quartier ! Remplissez votre espace de vente, débloquez des avantages et des franchises, embauchez des employés ou poursuivez ces voleurs à l'étalage embêtants. Plus il y a de joueurs, plus il y a d'action !


3 membres y ont joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Cailloux
  • avatar Louciol
  • avatar Tylia

3 membres y jouent actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 25, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeBasic Cashier

    Checkouted a total of 500 products [Collective]

  • BronzeBasic Restocker

    Placed a total of 1000 products in shelves [Collective]

  • BronzeAdvanced Cashier

    Checkouted a total of 2500 products [Collective]

  • BronzeSome Success

    500 customers have gone through the store [Collective]

  • BronzeBasic Recycler

    Recycled a total of 50 boxes [Collective]

  • BronzeAdvanced Restocker

    Placed a total of 10000 products in shelves [Collective]

  • BronzeBasic Cleaner

    Cleaned 50 trash [Collective]

  • BronzeMillionaire's Holiday

    Reach one million in funds.

  • BronzeExpert Cashier

    Checkouted a total of 10000 products [Collective]

  • BronzeGaining Traction!

    Achieve 25.000$ or more in earnings in a single day

  • BronzeBasic Decorator

    Have 50 or more decorations in your store (lights do count)

  • BronzeThis Is Rolling

    2000 customers have gone through the store [Collective]

  • BronzeAdvanced Recycler

    Recycled a total of 500 boxes [Collective]

  • BronzeAdvanced Cleaner

    Cleaned 200 trash [Collective]

  • BronzeAdvanced Decorator

    Have 100 or more decorations in your store

  • BronzeMaster Decorator

    Have 200 or more decorations in your store

  • BronzeCareful Cashier

    Return the correct money change 100 times in a row while being a cashier

  • BronzeCan't Someone Else Do It?

    Recover 500 dropped products

  • BronzeExpert Cleaner

    Cleaned 500 trash [Collective]

  • BronzeNot On My Duty Guard

    Hit a thief with the broom 500 times

  • BronzeExpert Recycler

    Recycled a total of 2000 boxes [Collective]

  • BronzeMaster Restocker

    Placed a total of 100000 products in shelves [Collective]

  • BronzeKA-CHING!

    Have a customer pay more than 700 dollars

  • BronzeSky High

    10000 customers have gone through the store [Collective]

  • BronzeWelcome Mr. Whiskers

    Pet the cat outside 100 times

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Merci à Hierophant qui a créé cette fiche