
Durée moyenne du jeu

39 h

Date de sortie EUR JP USA

18 mars 2022

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin est un spin-off de la célèbre série de RPG de Square Enix. Il s'agit cette fois d'un jeu d'action se déroulant dans l'univers du tout premier titre de la licence. Il met en scène Jack et ses alliés, Ash et Jed, qui cherchent à vaincre Chaos dans son temple.


3 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

1 membre y a joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar gray63

2 membres y jouent actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

2 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Collectionneur
  • avatar tallula03

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 46, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/3) Argent Argent (0/7) Bronze Bronze (0/35)

  • PlatineA Tale of Origins and Endings

    Acquired all trophies.

  • BronzeHopes and Dreams

    Completed "Illusion at Journey's End."

  • BronzeThe Pirate's Way

    Completed "The Journey Begins."

  • BronzeThe King of the Dark Elves

    Completed "Audience with the Dark Elf."

  • BronzeDistortion's Progeny

    Completed "Natural Distortion."

  • BronzeA Landscape of Memory

    Completed "A Familiar Place."

  • BronzeThe Wind's Light

    Completed "Memories of Wind."

  • BronzeVague Remembrances

    Completed "Memories of Poison."

  • BronzeThe Fire's Light

    Completed "Memories of Fire."

  • BronzePhantom Memories

    Completed "Phantoms of the Past."

  • BronzeThe Earth's Light

    Completed "Memories of Earth."

  • BronzeShared Recollections

    Completed "To Remember."

  • BronzeThe Water's Light

    Completed "Memories of Water."

  • BronzeMalice Takes Root

    Completed "Schemes of the Past."

  • BronzeDuty's Course

    Completed "Remembering Home."

  • BronzeLed by the Nose

    Completed "The Suffering of Fools."

  • ArgentTerminus of Fate

    Completed "A Fraught Journey."

  • ArgentOrigin of True Chaos

    Completed the game on CHAOS difficulty.

  • OrCycle of Darkness

    Completed a level 200 mission or higher on CHAOS difficulty.

  • BronzeMemories of the Distant Past

    Completed a side mission.

  • OrStrangers' Memories

    Completed every side mission.

  • BronzeManifestation of the Soul

    Used soul burst for the first time.

  • BronzeImbued Memories

    Used a weapon ability for the first time.

  • BronzeNo Escape

    Defeated a cactuar.

  • BronzeLantern Smasher

    Defeated a tonberry.

  • BronzeSeeker of Power

    Acquired an anima shard.

  • BronzeSeeker of Ultimate Power

    Acquired an anima crystal.

  • BronzeArtifact Collector

    Acquired an artifact.

  • BronzeCrest Bearer

    Used a job crest at the smithy.

  • ArgentTrue Potential

    Fully upgraded the special effect of a piece of equipment.

  • ArgentPolymath

    Unlocked every job affinity bonus for a single job.

  • ArgentSavant

    Unlocked every panel in the job tree for a single job.

  • BronzeMaster's Awakening

    Used a master point.

  • OrJob Master

    Achieved MASTER★★★★ rank for a job.

  • BronzeDark Crystal, Warrior's Heart

    Unlocked an advanced job.

  • ArgentJack-of-All-Trades

    Unlocked all jobs.

  • BronzePath of the Dark Knight

    Unlocked the dark knight.

  • BronzePath of the Paladin

    Unlocked the paladin.

  • BronzePath of the Ninja

    Unlocked the ninja.

  • BronzePath of the Assassin

    Unlocked the assassin.

  • BronzePath of the Liberator

    Unlocked the liberator.

  • BronzePath of the Breaker

    Unlocked the breaker.

  • BronzePath of the Void Knight

    Unlocked the void knight.

  • BronzePath of the Tyrant

    Unlocked the tyrant.

  • BronzePath of the Sage

    Unlocked the sage.

  • ArgentHis Name Is Garland

    Unlocked the cyclic warrior.

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