Un jeu vidéo édité par Dread XP,
développé par BEESWAX GAMES


Durée moyenne du jeu

6 h

Date de sortie EUR JP USA

26 août 2021

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Une compilation de mini-jeux spooky bien évidemment inspiré par l'inénarrable Wario Ware.

Page Steam


1 membre a terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Mca

1 membre veut y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Vicsene

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 45, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeMetal Steed

    Complete the prologue and start the road trip of a death-time.

  • BronzeGetting the Band Back Together

    Gather all of the band members.

  • BronzeBachelor of Bongo Arts

    Complete the first chapter with passing grades.

  • BronzeThe Great MIDIator

  • BronzeA Perfect Start

    Complete the basement tapes without losing a life.

  • BronzeDaytime Drinking

    Help Sir Green Remember what they did last night.

  • BronzePurse Snatcher

    Steal Lady Red's Purse.

  • BronzeMr Blue's Clues

    Find out Mr. Blue's Secret.

  • BronzeInternal Affairs

    Find out what happened to Intern Orange.

  • BronzeTP Trouble

  • BronzeCar, My Beloved

    Complete the second chapter and arrive at the big city.

  • BronzeFine Dining

    Put a pizza oven in your new restaurant.

  • BronzeVirtuoso

    Perfect all of the Recruit Tapes.

  • BronzeFinest Dining

    Upgrade your restaurant to a fine dining experience.

  • BronzeDisciple of Infinite Taste

    Collect all 5 TEMPLE recipes.

  • BronzeNext Time On SPOOKWARE

    Complete Episode 1 of SPOOKWARE.

  • BronzeBone-licious

    Complete the third chapter and feel the repercussions of tax fraud.

  • BronzeMaster of Bongo Arts

    Complete the school tapes without losing a life

  • BronzeBONEHATTEN's finest

    Collect all 6 BONEHATTEN recipes.

  • BronzeAce Detective

    Complete the cruise tapes without losing a life.

  • BronzeMaster Chef

    Complete the city tapes without losing a life.

  • BronzeTree Guys

  • BronzeHonk if You're Boney

  • BronzeA Tall Task

    Beat Tall Tony and his gang in a game of basketball.

  • BronzeThe Great Escape

    Break into the vents, starting your prison escape.

  • BronzeSo Close To Freedom

  • BronzeExtreme Hacking Skills

    Complete the fourth chapter and perform the greatest hack of your career.

  • BronzeThe Fugitive Lifestyle

    Escape Prison.

  • BronzeA New Perspective On Things

    Unlock a new dimension and learn to jump.

  • BronzeMicrogame Guy

    Collect 30 Microgames.

  • BronzeA Tear in Space-Time

    Have your world be invaded by aliens.

  • BronzeSlap-Shtick

  • BronzeWatch Your Head

    Have a big bad guy come face to face with a fast-moving object.

  • BronzeSkeletrooper

  • BronzeNext-er Time On SPOOKWARE

    Complete Episode 2 of SPOOKWARE.

  • BronzeKnockout

    Complete the fifth chapter and punch a baddie in the face.

  • BronzeMicrogame Boss

    Collect 60 Microgames.

  • BronzeIt's a Bit Chilly Out

  • BronzeCan't Touch Me

  • BronzeOlympian Hacking Skills

    Beat the prison tapes without losing a life.

  • BronzeTotal Knockout

    Beat the train tapes without losing a life.

  • BronzeMicrogame Champ

    Collect 90 Microgames.

  • BronzeMicrogame Saint

    Beat 15 Microgames in Remix Mode.

  • BronzeNo Respect For Property

  • BronzeMicrogame God

    Beat 20 Microgames in a row without losing a life in Remix Mode.

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Merci à Mca qui a créé cette fiche