Roguelite dans lequel vous incarnez différentes classes de héros avec leurs armes et sorts spécifiques, afin de défier des vagues d'ennemis toujours plus nombreux et plus puissants !
A vous de trouver les meilleurs synergies pour en venir à bout
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Reach experience level 5 in a single match.
Eliminate at least 1 Lord of the Void in a single match.
Eliminate at least 2 Lords of the Void in a single match.
Complete a match in less than 25 minutes.
Complete a match in less than 20 minutes.
Complete 100% of the Scorching Valley.
Complete a match in less than 15 minutes.
Eliminate a total of 10000 enemies.
Eliminate at least 3 Lords of the Void in a single match.
Reach experience level 25 in a single match.
Unlock the Pyromancer.
Eliminate a total of 100 elite enemies.
Complete 100% of the Caves of Dhal Zhog.
Eliminate at least 4 Lords of the Void in a single match.
Complete 100% of the Whispering Grove.
Reach experience level 50 in a single match.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes.
Reach experience level 60 in a single match.
Eliminate a total of 50 Lords of the Void.
Unlock the Spellblade.
Unlock the Hound Master.
Complete 100% of the Frozen Wastelands.
Eliminate at least 5 Lords of the Void in a single match.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Barbarian.
Eliminate a total of 250 elite enemies.
Reach experience level 70 in a single match.
Unlock the Sentinel.
Complete 100% of the Dungeon of Despair.
Reach experience level 80 in a single match.
Complete 100% at least five maps.
Reach experience level 90 in a single match.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier I enabled on the Scorching Valley.
Unlock the Arcane Weaver.
Eliminate a total of 100 Lords of the Void.
Eliminate a total of 50000 enemies.
Reach experience level 100 in a single match.
Eliminate a total of 500 elite enemies.
Complete the Endless Mode cycle 1.
Unlock the Paladin.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Barbarian.
Complete Overlord Cycle 1.
Unlock the Assassin.
Complete a match in less than 10 minutes.
Eliminate a total of 200 Lords of the Void.
Unlock 8 characters.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Pyromancer.
Eliminate a total of 1000 elite enemies.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier II enabled on the Caves of Dhal Zhog.
Eliminate a total of 100000 enemies.
Complete the Endless Mode cycle 2.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Spellblade.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Barbarian.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Sentinel.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier II enabled on the Frozen Wastelands.
Craft the uncommon Barbarian weapon.
Unlock the Chaoswalker.
Eliminate a total of 300 Lords of the Void.
Unlock the Elementalist.
Unlock the Legionnaire.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Arcane Weaver.
Complete Overlord Cycle 2.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier III enabled on the Dungeon of Despair.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Barbarian.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Hound Master.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier III enabled on the Whispering Grove.
Unlock the Necromancer.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Spellblade.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Pyromancer.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Sentinel.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Paladin.
Eliminate a total of 2000 elite enemies.
Eliminate a total of 400 Lords of the Void.
Complete a match in less than 9 minutes.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Arcane Weaver.
Craft the uncommon Sentinel weapon.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier IV enabled on the Whispering Grove.
Craft the uncommon Spellblade weapon.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Necromancer.
Craft the uncommon Pyromancer weapon.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Barbarian.
Complete the Endless Mode cycle 3.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Necromancer.
Unlock the Beastmaster.
Eliminate a total of 500 Lords of the Void.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Hound Master.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Chaoswalker.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier IV enabled on the Caves of Dhal Zhog.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Paladin.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Spellblade.
Craft the uncommon Arcane Weaver weapon.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Sentinel.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Arcane Weaver.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Assassin.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier IV enabled on the Dungeon of Despair.
Eliminate a total of 3000 elite enemies.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier V enabled on the Frozen Wastelands.
Purchase all skills in the central Skill Tree.
Craft the uncommon Hound Master weapon.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Sentinel.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Elementalist.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Necromancer.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Pyromancer.
Eliminate a total of 600 Lords of the Void.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Chaoswalker.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Necromancer.
Eliminate a total of 200000 enemies.
Complete Overlord Cycle 3.
Unlock the Death Knight.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Spellblade.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Barbarian.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Paladin.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Hound Master.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Arcane Weaver.
Unlock a total of 5 Runic Power from any source.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Pyromancer.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Necromancer.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Paladin.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Barbarian.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Chaoswalker.
Unlock 14 characters.
Craft the uncommon Necromancer weapon.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Death Knight.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Assassin.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Elementalist.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Sentinel.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Legionnaire.
Reach prestige level 5 with the Beastmaster.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Hound Master.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Chaoswalker.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Necromancer.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Elementalist.
Complete a match in less than 8 minutes.
Craft the uncommon Paladin weapon.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Death Knight.
Craft the uncommon Chaoswalker weapon.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Necromancer.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Barbarian.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Spellblade.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Beastmaster.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Arcane Weaver.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Paladin.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Sentinel.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Pyromancer.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Chaoswalker.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Necromancer.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Death Knight.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Hound Master.
Reach prestige level 10 with the Legionnaire.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Death Knight.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Beastmaster.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Elementalist.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Beastmaster.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier VI enabled on the Scorching Valley.
Win a match with all curses up to and including tier VI enabled on the Caves of Dhal Zhog.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Arcane Weaver.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Sentinel.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Paladin.
Craft the uncommon Elementalist weapon.
Craft the uncommon Assassin weapon.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Spellblade.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Assassin.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Chaoswalker.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Assassin.
Craft the uncommon Beastmaster weapon.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Paladin.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Beastmaster.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Arcane Weaver.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Death Knight.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Pyromancer.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Barbarian.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Hound Master.
Eliminate a total of 300000 enemies.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Chaoswalker.
Craft the uncommon Death Knight weapon.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Sentinel.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Elementalist.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Spellblade.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Paladin.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Beastmaster.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Arcane Weaver.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Necromancer.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Hound Master.
Reach prestige level 20 with the Legionnaire.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Pyromancer.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Chaoswalker.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Beastmaster.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Death Knight.
Complete a match in less than 12 minutes with the Legionnaire.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Assassin.
Craft the rare Barbarian weapon.
Craft the uncommon Legionnaire weapon.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Death Knight.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Spellblade.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Elementalist.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Beastmaster.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Hound Master.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Pyromancer.
Reach prestige level 30 with the Legionnaire.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Elementalist.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Death Knight.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Assassin.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Sentinel.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Paladin.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Arcane Weaver.
Reach prestige level 40 with the Legionnaire.
Craft the rare Hound Master weapon.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Assassin.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Elementalist.
Craft the rare Spellblade weapon.
Reach prestige level 50 with the Legionnaire.
Craft the rare Arcane Weaver weapon.
Craft the rare Pyromancer weapon.
Craft the rare Chaoswalker weapon.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Chaoswalker.
Craft the rare Paladin weapon.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Spellblade.
Craft the rare Sentinel weapon.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Assassin.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Hound Master.
Craft the rare Necromancer weapon.
Reach prestige level 60 with the Legionnaire.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Pyromancer.
Craft the epic Barbarian weapon.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Beastmaster.
Craft the rare Death Knight weapon.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Death Knight.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Elementalist.
Craft the rare Beastmaster weapon.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Legionnaire.
Craft the epic Sentinel weapon.
Reach prestige level 70 with the Assassin.
Craft the rare Elementalist weapon.
Eliminate a total of 500000 enemies.
Craft the epic Spellblade weapon.
Craft the rare Assassin weapon.
Craft the rare Legionnaire weapon.
Craft the epic Pyromancer weapon.
Craft the epic Necromancer weapon.
Craft the epic Arcane Weaver weapon.
Craft the epic Hound Master weapon.
Craft the epic Beastmaster weapon.
Craft the epic Paladin weapon.
Craft the epic Chaoswalker weapon.
Craft the epic Death Knight weapon.
Craft the epic Assassin weapon.
Craft the epic Legionnaire weapon.
Craft the epic Elementalist weapon.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Barbarian.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Necromancer.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Sentinel.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Spellblade.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Paladin.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Beastmaster.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Arcane Weaver.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Pyromancer.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Death Knight.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Hound Master.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Chaoswalker.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Legionnaire.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Assassin.
Purchase all skill tree nodes for the Elementalist.
Merci à Digmaw qui a créé cette fiche