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Riding a Slide in a Horror Game
Play the piano until the first notes from "No Friends" is played
Surpass 10 000 total steps taken
Pick up an oversized sign and somehow manage to fit it in your scrapbook
We're sorry about that... Here's a cookie!
Listen to all of the radio tracks in the house
Die in the 'Into the Abyss' level 3 times in a row
Exceed 10 failed pause attempts
Get ensnared by Slender Man’s tenticles
Beat the game on normal difficulty
Disrupt Charlie while he's crying at least 3 times
Make it through the forest fire without catching on fire once
Exceed 50 failed pause attempts
Beat the game in under 45 minutes
Beat 'The Eight Pages' level in under 5 minutes
Escape any level and fall to your death/Slender grasp
Find all numbered letters
Beat the 'Into The Abyss' level in under 5 minutes
Find all scrapbook items
Beat the Genesis level on "Hardcore" difficulty
Beat the game on "Hardcore" difficulty
Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre Survival-Horror ou Aventure sur PC
Merci à Racetrack qui a créé cette fiche