
Durée moyenne du jeu

32 h

Date de sortie EUR USA

24 mars 2023

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Leon Kennedy revient avec le remake de Resident Evil 4. Ce survival-horror proposera une aventure totalement repensée et modernisée, à l'instar de ce qui a été fait avec Resident Evil 2 et Resident Evil 3. Un mode spécial en VR est prévu pour fonctionner avec le PSVR2.



9 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

1 membre y a joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar cc1311

2 membres y jouent actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Veyrez
  • avatar Arcana9

1 membre veut y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Dryss_N23

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 40, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/4) Argent Argent (0/10) Bronze Bronze (0/25)

  • PlatineCuz Boredom Kills Me

    Obtain all trophies.

  • BronzeKnife Basics

    Parry an enemy with a knife.

  • BronzeMy Preferred Piece

    Upgrade a weapon.

  • BronzeA Masterpiece

    Get the exclusive upgrade for a weapon.

  • BronzeNice One, Stranger!

    Complete a request for the Merchant.

  • BronzeTalk About Near-Death Experience!

    Rescue Ashley as she's being carried away by the enemy.

  • BronzeRevolt Against the Revolting

    Destroy a Clockwork Castellan.

  • BronzeHarpoon Hurler

    Defeat Del Lago.

  • ArgentGrilled Big Cheese

    Defeat Bitores Méndez.

  • BronzeWave Goodbye, Right Hand

    Defeat the Verdugo.

  • ArgentNo Thanks, Bro!

    Defeat Ramón Salazar.

  • BronzeYou Used to Be a Good Guy

    Defeat Jack Krauser.

  • OrYou're Small Time!

    Defeat Osmund Saddler.

  • BronzeShield Your Eyes

    Defeat 3 enemies at once with a flash grenade.

  • BronzeNever Heard It Coming

    Defeat a Garrador using only knives.

  • BronzeTwo Bugs, One Stone

    Kill 2 parasites inside a Regenerador with a single bullet.

  • BronzeYou Talk Too Much!

    Throw a grenade into Ramón Salazar's mouth.

  • BronzeOverkill

    Use a cannon to defeat a zealot.

  • BronzeHope You Like Thrill Rides!

    Make it through both minecart sections in the underground tunnel without taking any damage.

  • BronzeCapacity Compliance

    Reach the top of the clock tower without the lift stopping once.

  • BronzeSmooth Escape

    Escape on the water scooter without taking any damage.

  • BronzeAstute Appraiser

    Sell a single treasure for at least 100000 ptas.

  • BronzeBandit

    Obtain all treasures indicated on the village treasure map in a single playthrough.

  • BronzeRaider

    Obtain all treasures indicated on the castle treasure map in a single playthrough.

  • BronzeBurglar

    Obtain all treasures indicated on the island treasure map in a single playthrough.

  • BronzeGun Fanatic

    Obtain all weapons.

  • ArgentJack of All Trades

    Complete all requests from the Merchant.

  • ArgentRevolution Wind-up

    Destroy all Clockwork Castellans.

  • BronzePromising Agent

    Complete the main story on Standard mode or higher.

  • ArgentMission Accomplished S+

    Complete the main story on Standard mode with an S+ rank.

  • ArgentProficient Agent

    Complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher.

  • OrS+ Rank Investigator

    Complete the main story on Hardcore mode with an S+ rank.

  • OrPeerless Agent

    Complete the main story on Professional mode.

  • ArgentSprinter

    Complete the main story within 8 hours.

  • ArgentFrugalist

    Complete the main story without using a recovery item.

  • ArgentMinimalist

    Complete the main story using only knives and handguns. (Excluding specific battles.)

  • ArgentSilent Stranger

    Complete the main story without talking to the Merchant once.

  • BronzeAmateur Shooter

    Complete a game at the shooting range.

  • OrReal Deadeye

    Earn an S rank in all games at the shooting range.

  • BronzeTrick Shot

    Shoot through and destroy 5 targets at the shooting range with a single shot.

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Merci à NakedVince qui a créé cette fiche