
Date de sortie EUR JP USA

7 décembre 2017

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Puzzle game Imagine a hostile Steampunk world where long distance communication is limited to post services. Each venture into the world brings great danger to the messenger, thus a special invention of a mechanical bird was introduced. This brave creature takes your secret letters and deliver them to the furthest parts of the world. Will you help him in his tough job? rnrnRed Game Without a Great Name is a 2D puzzle arcade game where you control a mechanical bird carrying a secret message. Your goal is to deliver a letter to a recipients cage, actually to 60 of them. It wont be an easy task - you will have to face different traps along the way, including: barbed wire, windmill blades, spikes, and many others. Use the extraordinary power of teleportation to move your character through the level. Pick up power-ups to gain temporary abilities, like smashing walls, or invulnerability to damage. Collect gears to fully complete the game.


1 membre a terminé le jeu

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Merci à Germichou qui a créé cette fiche