
Durée moyenne du jeu

23 h

Date de sortie EUR

16 septembre 2016

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Se déroulant durant la période couverte par la première saison, PSYCHO-PASS: Mandatory Happiness développe l'histoire et l'univers de la série animée, tout en ajoutant des scénarios complexes pour chacun des nouveaux personnages. Le joueur fera face à de nombreuses décisions qui changeront radicalement l'issue du jeu.


1 membre y a joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar X-ion-

3 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar tallula03
  • avatar Yotehamo
  • avatar lupyan

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 36, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/4) Argent Argent (0/15) Bronze Bronze (0/16)

  • PlatineTrophy Complete

    You have obtained all trophies

  • ArgentReturn of the Masked Princess

    You have reached the

  • ArgentFloating Ark

    You have reached the

  • Argent

    You have reached the

  • ArgentA Night to Kill

    You have reached the

  • ArgentSymbol of Faith

    You have reached the

  • ArgentMagical Song

    You have reached the

  • ArgentGuardian of Life

    You have reached the

  • ArgentThus, Fate has Proclaimed the End

    You have reached the

  • ArgentWhen the Time Comes

    You have reached the

  • ArgentAnswer Revealed

    You have reached the

  • ArgentEternal Cradle

    You have reached the

  • ArgentGoddess of Guidance

    You have reached the

  • ArgentChildhood's End

    You have reached the

  • ArgentHappy Family

    You have reached the

  • BronzeGrapplers

    You have reached the

  • BronzeSurprise Weekend

    You have reached the

  • BronzeThe One Who Seeks Chaos

    You have reached the

  • BronzeBedtime Stories

    You have reached the

  • BronzeDuel on Table

    You have reached the

  • BronzeMan of Stone

    You have reached the

  • BronzeToy-Box Brothers

    You have reached the

  • BronzeSummoning of Mephistopheles

    You have reached the

  • BronzeThe Burdened

    You have reached the

  • BronzeAn Angel's Smile

    You have reached the

  • BronzeResting Leadership

    You have reached the

  • BronzeLady Talk

    You have reached the

  • BronzeViolet Flower

    You have reached the

  • BronzeLight and Shadow

    You have reached the

  • BronzeEvery Color

    You have reached the

  • BronzeDemon's Whisper

    You have reached the

  • OrVOICE Complete

    You have unlocked all VOICE content

  • OrTIPS Complete

    You have unlocked all TIPS

  • OrSCENE Complete

    You have unlocked all SCENE content

  • ArgentAchieved 100,000 Points

    You have collected 100,000 points from the mini-game

  • OrPICTURE Complete

    You have unlocked all PICTURE content

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