
Durée moyenne du jeu

250 h

Date de sortie EUR

18 mai 2017

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Oxygen Not Included est un jeu de simulation colonial dans l'espace. Dans un astéroïde alien votre équipe industrielle devra développer la science, surpasser d'étranges formes de vie inconnues, maîtriser d'incroyables technologies spatiales afin de survivre et potentiellement prospérer.


1 membre a terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

16 membres y ont joué

Communauté Seriebox (9 aléatoires)

  • avatar SeaWolf
  • avatar PurpleMAJ
  • avatar archaonyx
  • avatar Kanup
  • avatar Ystos
  • avatar Moslamas
  • avatar trucuse
  • avatar Recktosaurus
  • avatar babajem

8 membres y jouent actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

2 membres ont mis en pause

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Ekhstaz
  • avatar Tarouana

9 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Vicsene
  • avatar ploume31
  • avatar Laeti1401
  • avatar tallula03
  • avatar Tix
  • avatar Belokan1993
  • avatar Spanqueur
  • avatar benda95280
  • avatar EKVAM

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 35, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeOne Bed One Bath

    Have at least one bed and one toilet for each Duplicant in the colony.

  • BronzeTo Pay the Bills

    Use a Duplicant's Skill Points to buy out an entire branch of the Skill Tree.

  • BronzeOutdoor Renovations

    Construct a building outside the initial starting biome.

  • BronzeIt's Not Raw

    Have a Duplicant eat any cooked meal prepared at an Electrical Grill or Gas Range.

  • BronzeGood Egg

    Hatch a new critter morph from an egg.

  • BronzeRoyal Flush

    Replace all the Outhouses and Wash Basins in your colony with Lavatories and Sinks.

  • BronzeThey Got Better

    Cure a sick Duplicant of disease.

  • BronzeOxygen Not Occluded

    Distribute 1000kg of Oxygen using gas vents.

  • BronzeRed Light, Green Light

    Automate a building using sensors or switches from the Automation tab in the Build Menu.

  • BronzeTurn of the Century

    Reach cycle 100 with at least one living Duplicant.

  • BronzeGhosts of Gravitas

    Recover a Database entry by inspecting facility ruins.

  • BronzeSlick

    Enter an oil biome for the first time.

  • BronzeArt Underground

    Have a Duplicant with the Masterworks skill paint a Masterpiece quality painting.

  • BronzeOne Year, to be Exact

    Reach cycle 365.25 with a single colony.

  • BronzeAnd Nowhere to Go

    Have 8 Duplicants wear non-default clothing simultaneously.

  • BronzeTune Up For What?

    Perform 100 Tune Ups on power generators.

  • BronzeNo Place Like Clone

    Have at least 20 living Duplicants living in the colony at one time.

  • BronzeTotally Tubular

    Have Duplicants travel 10,000m by Transit Tube.

  • BronzeImmovable Object

    Block a meteor from hitting your base using a Bunker Door.

  • BronzeSome Reservations

    Improve Duplicant Morale by designating 4 areas as Nature Reserves.

  • BronzePulling Back The Veil

    Reveal 80% of map by exploring outside the starting biome.

  • BronzeNot 0K, But Pretty Cool

    Reduce the temperature of a building to 6 Kelvin.

  • BronzeSpace Race

    Launch your first rocket into space.

  • BronzeLocavore

    Have Duplicants consume 400,000kcal of food without planting any seeds in Planter Boxes, Farm Tiles, or Hydroponic Farms.

  • BronzeGet a Room

    Build at least one of each of the following rooms in a single colony: A Nature Reserve, a Hospital, a Recreation Room, a Great Hall, a Bedroom, a Washroom, a Greenhouse and a Stable.

  • BronzeDown the Hatch

    Produce 10 t of refined metal by ranching Smooth Hatches.

  • BronzeJob Suitability

    For 10 cycles in a row, have every Duplicant in the colony complete at least one chore while wearing an Exosuit.

  • BronzeHonorary Doctorate

    Unlock every item in the Research Tree.

  • BronzeHome Sweet Home

    Establish your permanent home by fulfilling the requirements of the Colonize Imperative.

  • BronzeEasy Livin'

    Have Auto Sweepers complete more deliveries to machines than Duplicants over 5 cycles.

  • BronzeSuper Sustainable

    Generate 240,000kJ of power without using coal, methane, petrol or wood generators.

  • BronzeThe Great Escape

    Ensure your colony's legacy by fulfilling the requirements of the Escape Imperative.

  • BronzeCarnivore

    Have Duplicants eat 400,000kcal of critter meat before the 100th cycle.

  • BronzeMoovin' On Up

    Find and tame a Gassy Moo.

  • BronzeCritter Whisperer

    Find and tame one of every critter species in the world. Default morphs only.

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Merci à Agnah qui a créé cette fiche