
Durée moyenne du jeu

9 h

Date de sortie EUR USA

21 décembre 2013

Date de sortie JP

4 septembre 2014

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Max : The Curse of Brotherhood est un jeu de plates-formes en 2D dont le héros, Max, peut employer son marqueur magique afin de dessiner et créer des objets pour progresser et résoudre des puzzles.


3 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Sarmoth
  • avatar mouss2206
  • avatar Rorothejedi

1 membre y a joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Ladilae

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 27, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeLost and Found

    You found the first piece of the lost Amulet.

  • ArgentLudicrous Speed

    And just in time for tea! (Reached the old lady in under 5 minutes).

  • ArgentClever Boy

    One Sea of Sand, 2 earth pillars, 3 drawings - piece of cake.

  • BronzeWhat Are You Looking At?

    You destroyed the first 5 of Mustacho's Evil Eyes. That'll teach him.

  • OrAmulet Hunter

    You found and assembled 12 pieces of the lost Amulet.

  • OrEye Bye Bye

    You destroyed 50 of Mustacho's Evil Eyes. His control is diminishing!

  • ArgentHold on Tight

    You tamed the Spikester! ...Lucky you.

  • BronzeFor Whom The Bell Tolls

    Time Marches On (Rang a bell).

  • BronzeHot Potato

    Killed a Bomber with his own bomb.

  • ArgentCan't Touch This

    You completed a level without dying.

  • ArgentImmune to Lava

    You didn't die in Death By Lava.

  • OrYour Brother's Keeper

    You defeated Mustacho and saved your brother!

  • OrNo Stranger to Danger

    You defeated Mustacho without dying even once!

  • ArgentPerfect Sliding

    You escaped the Beast without dying!

  • ArgentWhat's That Smell?

    You lit 25 enemies on fire. Oh the things one does for brotherly love.

  • BronzeMaster of Branches

    You drew 200 branches.

  • ArgentNo Peeking!

    You destroyed 25 of Mustacho's Evil Eyes. Consider his surveillance network impaired.

  • BronzeMaster of Vines

    You drew 200 vines.

  • BronzeMaster of Water

    You drew 200 water streams.

  • ArgentGuts and Glory

    You made 5 critters explode and survived it. Your clothes might need a rinse though.

  • ArgentSome Assembly Required

    You found and assembled 6 pieces of the lost Amulet.

  • BronzeJust Getting Started

    You used the Magic Marker 25 times.

  • ArgentDeadshot

    It's all in the fingers and fiery balls of death.

  • BronzeFlipping Boxes

    Up you go.

  • OrKingdom of the Blind

    No evil is safe from you and your grabby hands.

  • OrTree of life

    You found and assembled the entire Amulet for the Old Lady!

  • ArgentTrust me

    You stole back your kid brother like a boss!

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