
Durée moyenne du jeu

7 h

Date de sortie EUR

22 juillet 2021

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Last Stop est un jeu d'aventure solo. Le joueur alterne entre trois personnage au milieu d'une crise surnaturelle à Londres. Donna, une ado qui plane un peu et recherche des frissons. John, un divorcé d'âge avancé et fatigué. Et enfin Meena, une professionnelle à l’ambition dévorante, qui veut obtenir les mêmes satisfactions dans sa vie personnelle que dans son travail.


3 membres ont terminé le jeu

Communauté Seriebox

3 membres veulent y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Racetrack
  • avatar tallula03
  • avatar Cecillle

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 36, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/4) Argent Argent (0/11) Bronze Bronze (0/20)

  • PlatineAll Done

    Unlock all trophies

  • ArgentBaller

    As Donna, successfully smash a bottle against every target, using only one bottle per target

  • BronzeRoast Becky

    As Donna, give Becky a hard time when chatting to her

  • BronzeEveryone needs a name

    As Donna, come up with a creative name when invited to

  • BronzeCan't keep a secret

    As Donna, choose to be honest when your friend asks a difficult question

  • BronzeStrong as an ox

    As Donna, break free of your restraints the first chance you get

  • BronzeTeetotal

    As Meena, pick water as your beverage of choice

  • ArgentLibrarian

    As Meena, place every book on the correct shelf when helping your Dad

  • BronzeDan Honnold

    As Meena, sing your husband's praises when given the chance

  • BronzeBlocker

    As Meena, block an annoying instant messenger chat

  • BronzeYou were never here

    As Meena, leave no traces when breaking and entering

  • ArgentTrue detective

    As Meena, collect every scrap of evidence when looking for clues

  • BronzeShots fired

    As John, slip into conversation that you're a member of a gym

  • BronzeSidonglobophobia

    As John, admit to an unusual phobia when asked

  • ArgentA good imposter

    As John, be a good manager and remember everybody's tasks

  • ArgentMaestro

    As John, don't play a bad note when demonstrating your piano skills

  • BronzePrologue

    Finish the opening chapter

  • BronzeThe Handsome Man

    Finish 'Stranger Danger' - Chapter 1

  • BronzeThe Prisoner

    Finish 'Stranger Danger' - Chapter 2

  • BronzeFriend or Foe

    Finish 'Stranger Danger' - Chapter 3

  • ArgentA Change of Heart

    Finish 'Stranger Danger' - Chapter 4

  • ArgentConfessions of a Kidnapper

    Finish 'Stranger Danger' - Chapter 5

  • OrRole Reversals

    Finish 'Stranger Danger' - Chapter 6

  • BronzeThe Candidate

    Finish 'Domestic Affairs' - Chapter 1

  • BronzeUnfaithful

    Finish 'Domestic Affairs' - Chapter 2

  • BronzeSecrets and Lies

    Finish 'Domestic Affairs' - Chapter 3

  • ArgentIn This All the Way

    Finish 'Domestic Affairs' - Chapter 4

  • ArgentUnfinished Business

    Finish 'Domestic Affairs' - Chapter 5

  • OrRevelations

    Finish 'Domestic Affairs' - Chapter 6

  • BronzeCommuter Rage

    Finish 'Paper Dolls' - Chapter 1

  • BronzeSplit Personality

    Finish 'Paper Dolls' - Chapter 2

  • BronzeImposter Syndrome

    Finish 'Paper Dolls' - Chapter 3

  • ArgentA Fool's Errand

    Finish 'Paper Dolls' - Chapter 4

  • ArgentMaking Do

    Finish 'Paper Dolls' - Chapter 5

  • OrA Friend in Need

    Finish 'Paper Dolls' - Chapter 6

  • OrLast Stop

    Finish the adventure

Des jeux dans le même genre

Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre Aventure Narrative sur Playstation 5

Merci à Racetrack qui a créé cette fiche