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Kyle found many ways to end the interview.
Kyle prepared for his interview well. But something seems to be missing. . .
Kyle had many adventures around town.
Kyle found out something particular about Rachel.
Kyle had adventures around town in his quest to be a hotdog salesman.
Kyle forgot to bring along the hotdogs.
Kyle had a bunch of adventures around his hotdog fixation.
Kyle forgot to bring the hotdog stand.
Kyle conducted an interview as Santa.
Kyle didn't get marketing for his hotdog stand.
Kyle spread Christmas cheer to many people in many ways.
Kyle explored and ended his run as a detective.
Kyle had some adventures with Mayor Tom.
Kyle solved the case of Jerry the Hotdog Bog
Kyle started his journey in the Mystery of the Bug Vigilante.
Kyle solved the Mystery of 1,000 Eyes
Kyle solved the mystery of I Can't Find my Cat.
Kyle's journey has come to an end.
Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre Point & Click ou Aventure Narrative sur PC
Merci à Dreadz23 qui a créé cette fiche
J'ai trouvé ce jeu assez chiant et pas drôle du tout... Pas à mon goût du tout, pour le coup ^^
Version PC 0.5 h de jeu