
Durée moyenne du jeu

189 h

Date de sortie EUR

13 août 2013

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Europa Universalis IV nous permet de diriger la nation de notre choix à travers 300 ans de gameplay ponctués de milliers d'événements historiques. Dans la peau d'un monarque entouré de grandes figures du passé, on doit gérer tous les aspects économiques, militaires et diplomatiques de notre Etat. Un nouveau mode multijoueur amélioré est également disponible pour affronter des joueurs du monde entier.



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Trophées du jeu

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  • BronzeUntil death do us apart

    Secure a Royal Marriage with another country.

  • BronzeVictorious!

    Win a war.

  • BronzeThat is mine!

    Conquer a province.

  • BronzeThat's a Grand Army

    Build up your army to your country's maximum army forcelimit.

  • BronzeBrothers in Arms

    Win a war as a secondary participant.

  • BronzeSeriously?!

    Kill 10,000 men in one battle.

  • BronzeThat's a Grand Navy

    Build up your navy to your country's maximum navy forcelimit.

  • BronzeFor the Glory

    Diplo-annex a vassal.

  • BronzeTrue Catholic

    Control three Cardinals.

  • BronzeCold War

    Win a war without fighting a single battle.

  • BronzeDefender of the Faith

    Become Defender of the Faith.

  • BronzeIt's all about the money

    Accumulate 3000 gold.

  • BronzeIt's all about luck

    Win a battle against a great leader, without a leader.

  • BronzeRespected

    Have 100 prestige, 100 legitimacy and three stability.

  • BronzeThe Princess is in this Castle

    As a country that does not start with a female heir, have a female heir while having a Castle in your capital (more advanced fort buildings do not count).

  • BronzeMy armies are invincible!

    Gain at least 7.0 land morale.

  • BronzeTruly Divine Ruler

    Get a 5/5/5 Ruler.

  • BronzeAzur semé de lis or

    Get all the French Cores as France.

  • BronzeBlockader

    Blockade at least 10 ports of one enemy.

  • BronzeTotal Control

    Own 100 or more provinces with no local autonomy or unrest.

  • BronzeDown Under

    Have a colony in Australia.

  • BronzeIsn't this the way to India?

    Discover the Americas as Castile or Spain.

  • BronzeThe Emperors new clothes

    Overthrow Austria and become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

  • BronzeAgressive Expander

    Own 200 provinces.

  • BronzeRoyal Authority

    Install an union through a succession war.

  • BronzeThis navy can take it all

    Gain at least 7.0 naval morale.

  • BronzeDouble the Love

    Start with no unions and get two at the same time.

  • BronzeThe Five Colonies

    Have five colonial nations.

  • BronzeJust a Little Patience

    Play a campaign from 1444 until 1820.

  • BronzeAll belongs to Mother Russia

    Start as a country of Russian culture and form Russia.

  • BronzeViva la Revolución!

    Have rebels you support in another country enforce their demands.

  • BronzeMarket Control

    Be trade leader of seven different goods.

  • BronzeThis is My Faith

    Convert to Protestantism and unlock 3 Aspects of Faith.

  • BronzeAt every continent

    Own one province on each continent.

  • BronzeGrand Coalition

    Join a coalition of more than 5 nations.

  • BronzeItalian Ambition

    Form Italy.

  • BronzeWorld Discoverer

    Discover all non-wasteland land provinces.

  • BronzeNot so sad a state...

    As Portugal, have a colony in Brazil and in Africa.

  • BronzeVasa or Wettin?

    Get a ruler of your dynasty on the throne of Poland or the Commonwealth while they are an elective monarchy.

  • BronzeAn early Reich

    Form Germany.

  • BronzeNo Pirates in my Caribbean

    Own or have a subject own the entire Caribbean.

  • BronzeMagellan’s Voyage

    Make the first circumnavigation.

  • BronzeOne Night in Paris

    Start as England, own and have a core on Paris (do not form another country unless it's Great Britain).

  • BronzeRuina Imperii

    Dismantle the Holy Roman Empire.

  • BronzeIn the Name of the Father

    As an Orthodox country, have 100 Patriarch Authority.

  • BronzeThe Continuation of Diplomacy

    Successfully use Threaten War to gain a province from another nation.

  • BronzeCity of Cities

    Own a core province with at least 60 development.

  • BronzeJe maintiendrai

    Form the Netherlands as a minor nation starting with Dutch culture.

  • BronzeA Pile of Gold

    Own 10 provinces which produce gold.

  • BronzeThe Chrysanthemum Throne

    Unite Japan as a Daimyo.

  • BronzeLiberty or Death

    Start as USA in 1776 bookmark and own all your cores while being at peace.

  • BronzeDie Please Die

    Have a ruler with 1 or lower in all three categories who is over the age of 70.

  • BronzeMarshy March

    Have a march with at least two marsh provinces.

  • BronzeA Kaiser not just in name

    Enact all reforms in the Holy Roman Empire.

  • BronzeCenter of Attention

    Own both a Protestant and a Reformed Center of Reformation.

  • BronzeFull House

    Have 3 Vassals and 2 Marches at the same time.

  • BronzeFour For Trade

    Form four Trade Companies and get bonus merchants from all of them.

  • BronzeBleed Them Dry

    Have 10 different War Reparations being paid to you at the same time.

  • BronzeMy True Friend

    Go to war in support of a rebel faction and win, enforcing their demands.

  • BronzeOne King to Rule!

    As Poland, become an absolutist monarchy, abolishing the Sejm.

  • BronzeAll Your Trade Are Belong to Us

    Have the highest trade power in Genoa, Venice and English Channel while having an income of at least 300 ducats per month.

  • BronzeBasileus

    As Byzantium, restore the Roman Empire.

  • BronzeDefinitely the Sultan of Rum

    Own and have cores on Rome, Moscow and Istanbul as Ottomans.

  • BronzeElectable!

    Become an elector in the HRE as a country which does not start as elector.

  • BronzeA Fine Goosestep

    Form Prussia and have at least 125% Discipline.

  • BronzeTraditional Player

    More than 90 percent Naval and Army Tradition.

  • BronzeThe Rising Sun

    Own and have cores on all of Japan as a European nation.

  • BronzeWinged Hussars

    Have Winged Hussars as your active unit with more than +50% cavalry combat ability.

  • BronzeOne Family to Rule them All

    Have your dynasty on 8 thrones at the same time. Client states do not count.

  • BronzeImperio español

    As Spain have Mexico, Panama, Havana, Cuzco in colonial Nations under you.

  • BronzeGrand Duchy

    Starting as a Duchy, have 1000 development without upgrading your government rank.

  • BronzeSweden is not overpowered!

    Own and have cores on the entire Baltic coastline as Sweden.

  • BronzeNobody wants to die

    Own Timbuktu as Songhai

  • BronzeThe Grand Armada

    Have 500 heavy ships and no loans.

  • BronzePoland can into space

    As Poland, reach the maximum level in all technologies (32).

  • BronzeShahanshah

    Start as Tabarestan and form Persia.

  • BronzeThe Spice Must Flow

    Form the nation of Malaya.

  • BronzeFactionalism

    Have 3 different estates in your country with at least 70% influence each.

  • BronzeMaster of India

    Own and have cores on all of India as a European nation.

  • BronzeTurning the Tide

    Start as a Steppe Horde in 1444, and fully westernize.

  • BronzeA Manchurian Candidate

    Start as one of the Jurchen tribes and form Qing.

  • BronzeColonial Management

    Have 3 colonial governors that were directly appointed by you at the same time.

  • BronzeSubsidize my Love

    Subsidize 3 different allies at least 50% of their monthly income without running a deficit.

  • BronzeTrade Hegemon

    Conquer and have cores on Aden, Hormoz and Malacca with any Western European country.

  • BronzeThe pen is mightier than the sword

    Have three unions at the same time as Austria.

  • BronzeA Decent Reserve

    Have a maximum manpower of at least 1 million.

  • BronzeSpain is the Emperor

    Become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire as Spain.

  • BronzeGuarantor of Peace

    Guarantee the Independence of France, The Ottoman Empire and Russia.

  • BronzeThat's a Silk Road

    Own or have a subject own all provinces in the world producing silk.

  • BronzeVoting Streak

    Successfully pass 11 issues in a row in Parliament.

  • BronzeLuck of the Irish

    Own and have cores on the British Isles as an an Irish nation.

  • BronzeLion of the North

    Start as Sweden and lead the Protestant League to victory against the Emperor.

  • BronzeArabian Coffee

    Form Arabia and be the nation producing the most coffee in the world.

  • BronzeAn Industrial Evolution

    As Great Britain, own all of England as core provinces and have at least 25 development in each province there.

  • BronzeGeorgia on my Mind

    Fully own all three Georgias.

  • BronzeSinaasappel!

    Get Orangists in power with 100% Republican Tradition, and owning a province in China.

  • BronzeNo Trail of Tears

    Own and have cores on the Thirteen Colonies as a westernized Cherokee.

  • BronzeOver a Thousand!

    Own 1001 provinces directly.

  • BronzeThe Six Nations

    Form a Federation of at least six nations as the Iroquois.

  • BronzeBarbarossa

    As a Maghrebi nation, have 500 light ships privateering at the same time.

  • BronzeKirishitan Japan

    Start as a Japanese Daimyo, convert yourself and all of Japan to Christianity.

  • BronzeKing of Jerusalem

    Form the Kingdom of Jerusalem as Cyprus or The Knights.

  • BronzeThis Revolution Was Crushed

    In a war against the target of the Revolution, control their capital and have at least 99% war score.

  • BronzeThe Iron Price

    Restore the Danelaw region to Danish rule, and make it Danish culture.

  • BronzeA Protected Market

    Have 100% Mercantilism.

  • BronzeBengal Tiger

    Start as Bengal and own Samarkand as a core province.

  • BronzeKrabater

    Form the nation of Croatia and station a unit of cavalry in Stockholm.

  • BronzeHessian Mercenaries

    As Hesse, have at least 50 regiments of mercenaries and no loans.

  • BronzeBlack Jack

    Have at least 21 different subjects with 5 cities each and without any subject having 50% or more Liberty Desire. Trade Companies do not count.

  • BronzeWorld Conqueror

    Own or have a subject own the entire world.

  • BronzeBaltic Crusader

    As Teutonic Order or Livonian Order, own all of Russia as core provinces and convert it to Catholic.

  • BronzeTurn the Table

    As a colony, break free and vassalize your former overlord without forming any other nation.

  • BronzeQueen of Mercury

    As Kilwa, own and have cores on Zanzibar and Bombay (North Konkan).

  • BronzeSons of Carthage

    As Tunisia, own and have cores on Sicily, Sardinia, the Balearic Islands, the coast of Algiers and the southern coast of Spain.

  • BronzeLand of Eastern Jade

    Own a core province in Central America as a Buddhist country.

  • BronzeSwitzerlake

    Own 99 provinces as Switzerland while owning no ports.

  • BronzeThe Re-Reconquista

    As Granada, form Andalusia and reconquer all of Iberia.

  • BronzeThe Great Khan

    As the Mongol Khanate or the Golden Horde, own or have a subject own the Chinese, Russian and Persian regions.

  • BronzePrester John

    Own and have cores on Alexandria, Antioch and Constantinople as Coptic Ethiopia.

  • BronzeEven Better than Piet Heyn

    Gain over 100 gold from privateering a single treasure fleet.

  • BronzeDar al-Islam

    Unify Islam under your rule.

  • BronzeA Sun God

    Form Inca, Westernise and own all of South America as core provinces.

  • BronzeSunset Invasion

    Own and have cores on Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, London, Amsterdam and Rome as the Aztecs.

  • BronzeAfrican Power

    Own and have cores on all provinces in Africa as Kongo.

  • BronzeKow-Tow

    As Ming, have a subject from each religion group.

  • BronzeTrustworthy

    Have five allies with 100 trust towards you each.

  • BronzeJihad

    As Najd, own 500 Sunni provinces.

  • BronzePyramid of Skulls

    As a Steppe Horde, raze a province with at least 30 development.

  • BronzeIdeas Guy

    Starting as a custom nation with the full 800 points but no more than 3 total development, have a monthly income of at least 500 ducats.

  • BronzeBetter than Napoleon

    As France, own Vienna, Berlin and Moscow as core provinces.

  • BronzeThis is Persia!

    Form Persia and own Egypt, Anatolia and Greece as core provinces.

  • BronzeThe Sun Never Sets on the Indian Empire

    Form Hindustan or Bharat and own or have a subject own Cape, London, Hong Kong (Canton) and Ottawa (Kichesipi).

  • BronzeOn the Edge of Madness

    As Aztecs, reach 95 Doom, then go 20 years without Doom hitting 100.

  • BronzeDracula's Revenge

    Start as Wallachia or Moldavia, form Romania and own or have a subject own all of the Balkans.

  • BronzeAuld Alliance Reversed

    As Scotland, have France as a vassal (do not form Great Britain).

  • BronzeHoly Trinity

    As the Papacy, own Jerusalem and have Livonian Order, Teutonic Order and The Knights as Marches.

  • BronzeVenetian Sea

    Have a 90% Trade share in both the Alexandria and Constantinople nodes as Venice, owning less than 10 cities.

  • BronzeAlbania or Iberia

    As Albania, own or have a subject own Iberia and the Caucasus.

  • BronzeGothic Invasion

    Start as Theodoro and conquer all Germanic culture provinces in Europe.

  • BronzeNorwegian Wood

    Own or have a subject own all naval supplies provinces as Norway.

  • BronzeRaja of the Rajput Reich

    Conquer all of Germany as Nagaur.

  • BronzeFor Odin!

    Starting as a Norse custom nation with no more than 200 points and a maximum of 5 provinces, own & core Scandinavia and the British Isles and convert it all to Norse.

  • BronzeThe Three Mountains

    Own or have a subject own the entire world as Ryukyu.

  • BronzeTake that, von Habsburgs!

    As Hungary, own all of Austria as core provinces.

  • BronzeTime Bandit

    Successfully steal a map from another nation.

  • BronzeThe White Elephant

    As Ayutthaya, own all of Indochina as core provinces.

  • BronzeForemost Servitor of Jagannath

    Start as Orissa and own or have a subject own all tropical wood provinces.

  • BronzeBig Blue Blob

    As France, hold 100 European core provinces before 1500.

  • BronzeNeither Holy, Nor German

    Have 7 Free Cities in the Empire, none of which is of a Germanic culture.

  • BronzeMare Nostrum

    Restore the Roman Empire and own the entire Mediterranean and Black Sea coast lines.

  • BronzeFrozen Assets

    Start as Novgorod and control 90% of the trade power in the White Sea trade node while it is the highest valued trade node in the world.

  • BronzeRekindling the Flames

    Starting as a Zoroastrian custom nation with no more than 200 points and a maximum of 5 provinces, rekindle the royal fires.

  • BronzeFirst Come, First Serve

    Starting as a Western technology custom nation in North America or South America with no more than 200 points, unite the two continents.

  • BronzeLucky Lucca

    As Lucca, own Lucknow!

  • BronzeThe Burgundian Conquest

    As Burgundy, own the Low Countries region as core provinces and have France and Austria as your subjects.

  • BronzeRags and Riches

    Have the highest income in the world while owning no province with a development level higher than 10.

  • BronzeJust Resting In My Account

    Corrupt the officials in a Rival country.

  • BronzeThe Buddhists Strike Back

    As Ceylon, own all of India and convert it to Theravada Buddhism (do not form another nation).

  • BronzeThe Bohemians

    As Bohemia, own Dublin as a core province.

  • BronzeThe Uncommonwealth

    As Lithuania, become The Commonwealth.

  • BronzeGolden Horn

    As a Somali nation, fully own the Horn of Africa region and have a monthly gold income of at least 10 ducats.

  • BronzeNetworking

    Have 100 point spy networks in 3 Rival nations.

  • BronzeChoson One

    As Korea, own or have a subject own all Shinto, Confucian and Buddhist provinces in the world.

  • BronzeKinslayer

    As Tver, Yaroslavl, Ryazan or Odoyev, eliminate all other Rurikovich nations without changing your ruling dynasty.

  • BronzeKushite Restoration

    As a Nubian culture nation, own the entire Egyptian region as core provinces.

  • BronzeMeissner Porcelain

    As Saxony, own or have a subject own all Chinaware provinces in the world.

  • BronzeFrom Humble Origins

    Starting as a custom nation with no more than 50 points, have at least 2000 total development.

  • BronzeStrait Talk

    As Hormuz, have at least 10 diplomatic reputation

  • BronzeBack to the Piast

    As Mazovia or Silesia, form the nation of Poland.

  • BronzeThe Third Way

    Start as an Ibadi nation and eliminate all rival schools of Islam (do not convert to another religion).

  • BronzeOne Faith

    Have all non-wasteland land provinces in the world be of your religion.

  • BronzeAcademical

    As Athens, own 50 universities.

  • BronzeGreat Perm

    As Perm, own or have a subject own the Russian, Siberian, Scandinavian, Canadian, Hudson Bay and Cascadian Regions.

  • BronzeBlood for the Sky God!

    As a Tengri nation, have Nahuatl as your syncretic faith.

  • BronzeTerra Mariana

    As Riga, own the Baltic region as core provinces.

  • BronzeTatarstan

    As Kazan or Nogai, own all Tatar culture group lands.

  • BronzeKomnenoi Empire

    As Trebizond, have the Empire government rank.

  • BronzeLazarus

    As Serbia, own the entire Balkans as core provinces.

  • BronzeThe White Company

    Join a war on the other side of someone to whom you have rented condottieri.

  • BronzeWith a little help..

    As Ragusa, lead a Trade League of at least 5 nations and guarantee the Ottomans’ independence.

  • BronzeThe Animal Kingdom

    As Manipur, unite the Bengal region and convert it to Animism.

  • BronzeKuban Cigars

    As Kuba, own or have a subject own Havana and be the world’s leading producer of Tobacco.

  • BronzeThe Fezzan Corridors

    As Fezzan, control at least 90% of the trade power in Tunis, Katsina, Safi and Timbuktu.

  • BronzeVictorian Three

    As Busoga, Buganda or Karagwe, reach administrative, diplomatic and military technology level 32.

  • BronzeSailor Mon

    As Pegu, have at least 100,000 sailors.

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