32 h
53 h
54 h
Epic Chef est un jeu de simulation vous demandant de devenir le meilleur chef cuisinier. Vous incarnez Zest, un jeune homme qui devra gérer son manoir et ses récoltes, afin de créer sans cesse de nouvelles recette et affronter les plus grands chefs cuisiniers dans des affrontements face un jury...
Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 50, soit un pourcentage de 0 %
Afficher : Tout • Obtenu • Pas obtenu
Filtrer : Platine (0/1)
Or (0/2)
Argent (0/11)
Bronze (0/36)
Obtain all of the Trophies
Spend the night in your new house
Defeat the Mysterious Knight
Win the Amateur Tournament
Obtain the Cooking License
Solve the Crypt puzzle
Hunt the Pangun
Defeat the Tenor Spider
Defeat Chef Torapio in Culinary Battle
Defeat Chef Bolton in Culinary Battle
Defeat Chef Anzhashi in Culinary Battle
Defeat the Festumancers in Culinary Battle
Defeat the Final Boss in Culinary Battle
Obtain the Dragon Egg
Win every tournament
Craft a dish with 50+ Spirit points
Craft a dish with 50+ Vigor points
Craft a dish with 50+ Sophistication points
Cook a dish that contains Meat Feast
Cook a dish that contains Braised Uni Steak
Cook a dish that contains Venom Glaze
Cook a dish that contains Fiery Omelette
Cook a dish that triggers a synergy
Cook a dish that contains all 6 Ingredient Properties
Create the dish: Chunky Curds and Meaty Strips in Bread Sauce
Create the dish: Unicorn Eggs and Mashed Scales with Snow White Coulis
Create the dish: Sunshine Jelly Steak and Fruit Splinters in Phantom Relish
Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Processed property
Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Animal property
Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Magic property
Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Sea property
Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Land property
Cook a dish using 3 different ingredients that have the Vegetable property
Fully upgrade the villa
Catch a King Squid
Interact with the Mage in Deep Forest for the first time
Use the Ancient Tamer for the first time
Obtain Birch
Cook a dish with more than 50 points
Cook a dish with more than 300 points
Cook a dish with more than 700 points
Place the Blue gem in the Statue
Buy some land for the first time
Unlock all customers in the Restaurant
Have the MAX modifier active for all Zest's Skills at the same time
Buy a tournament reward
Wear 10 different outfits or hats
Increase the Restaurant Decor Score to 500 or more
Unlock every synergy
Accumulate 100,000 Escudos during your time in Ambrosia
Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre Aventure ou Simulation sur Playstation 4
Merci à Vicsene qui a créé cette fiche